tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3432016 2019-11-10T05:42:25-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1960609 2019-11-08T01:42:07-05:00 2019-11-10T05:42:25-05:00 @Xeno-The-Hedgehog on post #3432016 (ruby rose, weiss schnee, yang xiao long, blake belladonna, nora valkyrie, and 1 more (rwby) drawn by yuriwhale) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ad/49/ad4998dc0815ea3e2d47ed9b99ba6ecb.jpg"/> <p>Panel 1<br>Yang: "Alright, you ready to do this?"<br>Nora: "You bet! Let's get started!"</p><p>Panel 2<br>*various lovemaking noises*</p><p>Panel 3<br>Yang: "Hey Kitten! Can you come in here a minute, we're out of tissue paper."</p><p>Panel 4<br>Nora: "Whew, that was great! I'm going to go shower now."<br>Yang: "Have fun. Here kitty kitty!"<br>Blake: "um..."</p><p>Panel 5<br>*more lovemaking noises*</p><p>Panel 6<br>Ilia: "is...is it okay if I join you?"<br>Yang: "Hell yeah! The more the merrier!"</p><p>Panel 7<br>Ilia and Blake: *additional lovemaking noises*<br>Yang: "Hey...when do I get another turn?"</p><p>Panel 8<br>Ilia and Blake: *continued lovemaking noises*<br>Yang: "Tch, fine. If you guys insist on leaving me out..."</p><p>Panel 9<br>Weiss: "I came as soon as I got your-OH MY GOODNESS!"<br>Ilia and Blake: *love making noises briefly interrupted by rolling off the bed*<br>Yang: "Weiss~&lt;3! Get over here!"</p><p>Panel 10<br>*surprisingly loud lovemaking noises*</p><p>Panel 11<br>Yang: "Say cheese!"<br>Weiss: "What?!"</p><p>Panel 12<br>Yang: "aaaand sent!"<br>Weiss: "NO DON'T!"<br>Ruby: "YANG, WHAT THE HELL?!"</p><p>Panel 13<br>Yang: "Aw, don't be like that. C'mere and let big sis make it up to you."<br>Ruby and Weiss: "wait, what?!"</p><p>Panel 14<br>Nora: "Whew, that was refreshing. Hey guys, what'd I miss?"<br>Everyone else: *having a collegiate discussion about tax returns, what do you think?*</p> Xeno-The-Hedgehog /users/316956