tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3435336 2019-03-25T08:59:25-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1904400 2019-03-25T08:59:25-04:00 2019-03-25T08:59:25-04:00 @dailang on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MQN said:</p> <p>i mean she's definitely in the wrong here right</p> <p>you can't just go and do a kidnapping like that</p> </blockquote><p>The kid doesn't know that.</p> dailang /users/345827 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899896 2019-03-06T23:52:17-05:00 2019-03-06T23:52:17-05:00 @Mitsunari_Kazama on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>It's all fun and games for the kid before someone dies</p> Mitsunari_Kazama /users/575142 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899854 2019-03-06T19:21:08-05:00 2019-03-06T19:21:08-05:00 @Mizu0005 on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Preddreads said:</p> <p>home turf advantage against servants with no poison resistance skills and a very subpar master. she should easily beat them all, except maybe Da Vinci, but I bet we all know where this is going to end anyways.</p> </blockquote><p>In gameplay terms aunt Jeanne classic dispels debuffs with her NP and in lore terms the poison wouldn't make it through to hit them in the first place since its a physical phenomenon that has to hit them first to poison them. </p> Mizu0005 /users/533028 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899766 2019-03-06T10:57:49-05:00 2019-03-06T10:57:49-05:00 @MalusTTK on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>I like how the kid is chillin' out there still eating the same burger from <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/3414283">post #3414283</a>.</p> MalusTTK /users/543177 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899733 2019-03-06T07:55:05-05:00 2019-03-06T07:55:49-05:00 @WhiteCrow on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Preddreads said:</p> <p>home turf advantage against servants with no poison resistance skills and a very subpar master. she should easily beat them all, except maybe Da Vinci, but I bet we all know where this is going to end anyways.</p> </blockquote><p>Ritsuka isn't exactly subpar (not with backup from Chaldea at least).<br>And ironically, he would be the only one standing on his side if Semiramis starts filling the room with poison.</p> WhiteCrow /users/375036 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899717 2019-03-06T04:07:35-05:00 2019-03-06T04:07:35-05:00 @Preddreads on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MarqFJA87 said:</p> <p>Semiramis, I seriously doubt pulling out your discount "Gate of Babylon" of an NP is going to help.</p> </blockquote><p>home turf advantage against servants with no poison resistance skills and a very subpar master. she should easily beat them all, except maybe Da Vinci, but I bet we all know where this is going to end anyways.</p> Preddreads /users/519448 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899660 2019-03-05T20:51:40-05:00 2019-03-05T20:51:40-05:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>Semiramis, I seriously doubt pulling out your discount "Gate of Babylon" of an NP is going to help.</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899494 2019-03-05T03:44:23-05:00 2019-03-05T03:44:23-05:00 @MQN on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>dailang said:</p> <p>I think the only conclusion here is the kid would say something to help Semiramis.</p> </blockquote><p>i mean she's definitely in the wrong here right</p><p>you can't just go and do a kidnapping like that</p> MQN /users/479877 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899461 2019-03-04T23:28:25-05:00 2019-03-04T23:28:25-05:00 @Rubexbox on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>Someone should get that kid out of here. He's a bit too young to witness Semi commit suicide.</p> Rubexbox /users/464293 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899438 2019-03-04T22:26:26-05:00 2019-03-04T22:26:26-05:00 @dailang on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>I think the only conclusion here is the kid would say something to help Semiramis.</p> dailang /users/345827 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899437 2019-03-04T22:22:03-05:00 2019-03-04T22:22:03-05:00 @Lela_Kurayami on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>Oh my lord are you serious thats just gonna make it worse Sem!</p> Lela_Kurayami /users/581660 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899407 2019-03-04T19:18:15-05:00 2019-03-04T19:18:15-05:00 @Makamou on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>Why was I expecting "Fatal Battle 1/1” to suddenly pop up?</p> Makamou /users/419767 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899403 2019-03-04T19:11:21-05:00 2019-03-04T22:14:16-05:00 @Eddielan51 on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>I can just picture Jeanne screaming offscreen when she sees Semiramis about to attack:</p><p>"That only DELAYS the inevitable!!!!!!"</p> Eddielan51 /users/544425 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899385 2019-03-04T17:17:29-05:00 2019-03-04T17:18:45-05:00 @NWSiaCB on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>RhythmicApogee said:</p> <p>I bet the kiddo's going to think this is all a flashy performance.</p> </blockquote><p>"Can we go see Pirates of the Carribean next?"</p> NWSiaCB /users/110655 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1899380 2019-03-04T17:13:17-05:00 2019-03-04T17:13:17-05:00 @RhythmicApogee on post #3435336 (artoria pendragon, saber, jeanne d'arc, jeanne d'arc, fujimaru ritsuka, and 4 more (fate and 1 more) drawn by ginhaha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b6/c0/b6c02cfadcbd35443c3132deb66e7e8a.jpg"/> <p>I bet the kiddo's going to think this is all a flashy performance.</p> RhythmicApogee /users/487300