tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #344436 2009-05-02T01:47:55-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/199106 2009-05-02T01:47:55-04:00 2009-05-02T01:47:55-04:00 @LJdaOG on post #344436 (nikola tesla, john cutter, olivia wenscombe, alfred borden, mr alley, and 2 more (the prestige) drawn by araki_hirohiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ec/50/ec500bea322171ffe2a7426624124b83.jpg"/> <p>Oh Araki, your colorblindness never fails to amuse me.</p> LJdaOG /users/94207 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/131614 2008-11-06T15:55:25-05:00 2008-11-06T15:55:25-05:00 @chuck_tesla on post #344436 (nikola tesla, john cutter, olivia wenscombe, alfred borden, mr alley, and 2 more (the prestige) drawn by araki_hirohiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ec/50/ec500bea322171ffe2a7426624124b83.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Sunjack said:<br>These Prestige characters are drawn by the actual Hirohiko Araki.</p></blockquote><p>Sounds even better.</p> chuck_tesla /users/97639 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/131604 2008-11-06T15:35:05-05:00 2008-11-06T15:35:05-05:00 @葉月 on post #344436 (nikola tesla, john cutter, olivia wenscombe, alfred borden, mr alley, and 2 more (the prestige) drawn by araki_hirohiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ec/50/ec500bea322171ffe2a7426624124b83.jpg"/> <p>Olibia?</p> 葉月 /users/615 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/131563 2008-11-06T13:29:19-05:00 2008-11-06T13:29:19-05:00 @user_45515 on post #344436 (nikola tesla, john cutter, olivia wenscombe, alfred borden, mr alley, and 2 more (the prestige) drawn by araki_hirohiko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ec/50/ec500bea322171ffe2a7426624124b83.jpg"/> <p>These Prestige characters are drawn by the actual Hirohiko Araki. They were on the Japanese official website for the movie, but I recall they were somewhat hidden. I cannot remember where to find them on the site anymore, if they're even still there.</p><p>It also appears as if they were put onto packs of cards at some point, judging by some of the news on the source site.</p> user_45515 /users/45515