tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3445757 2019-11-18T06:46:09-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1962739 2019-11-18T06:46:09-05:00 2019-11-18T06:46:09-05:00 @Ty1er on post #3445757 (m4a1 (girls frontline and 1 more) drawn by tab_(tabkun)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/67/de/67defb9694d925aea109e91429d57bca.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ZWORZT said:</p> <p>This heavily reminds me of that scene from <strong>I am Legend.</strong> Oh wait, it is that scene…</p> </blockquote><p>This time Mica went too far.</p><p>Watching Sam die was arguably the most depressing scene I've ever watched in a movie.</p> Ty1er /users/718131 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1902135 2019-03-16T09:50:59-04:00 2019-03-16T09:51:20-04:00 @ZWORZT on post #3445757 (m4a1 (girls frontline and 1 more) drawn by tab_(tabkun)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/67/de/67defb9694d925aea109e91429d57bca.jpg"/> <p>This heavily reminds me of that scene from <strong>I am Legend.</strong> Oh wait, it is that scene…</p> ZWORZT /users/597290