tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3478679 2019-04-30T12:00:52-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1913193 2019-04-30T12:00:40-04:00 2019-04-30T12:00:52-04:00 @Estavali on post #3478679 (signum, reinforce, and levantine (lyrical nanoha and 3 more) drawn by san-pon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5d/11/5d11f4e1528a6f1d5ebc8dad5688588a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Ruiko said:</p> <p>Reinforce Zwei isn't able to take on this full-sized human form until <em>Force</em>.</p> </blockquote><p>Late reply, eh, but this is Reinforce, not Zwei-tan, innit?</p> Estavali /users/66308 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1909730 2019-04-16T10:10:16-04:00 2019-04-16T10:10:16-04:00 @T34/38 on post #3478679 (signum, reinforce, and levantine (lyrical nanoha and 3 more) drawn by san-pon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5d/11/5d11f4e1528a6f1d5ebc8dad5688588a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Ruiko said:</p> <p>Reinforce Zwei isn't able to take on this full-sized human form until <em>Force</em>.</p> </blockquote><p>You mean adult-size? I remember Reinforce can took the form of a little girl.</p> T34/38 /users/192921 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1909727 2019-04-16T09:53:39-04:00 2019-04-16T09:53:39-04:00 @Ruiko on post #3478679 (signum, reinforce, and levantine (lyrical nanoha and 3 more) drawn by san-pon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5d/11/5d11f4e1528a6f1d5ebc8dad5688588a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Estavali said:</p> <p>I believe this should be tagged under A's instead of Force, no?</p> </blockquote><p>Reinforce Zwei isn't able to take on this full-sized human form until <em>Force</em>.</p> Ruiko /users/130832 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1909722 2019-04-16T09:43:51-04:00 2019-04-16T09:43:51-04:00 @LucianaIV on post #3478679 (signum, reinforce, and levantine (lyrical nanoha and 3 more) drawn by san-pon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5d/11/5d11f4e1528a6f1d5ebc8dad5688588a.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Estavali said:</p> <p>I believe this should be tagged under A's instead of Force, no?</p> </blockquote><p>Yeah, this appears to have nothing to do with Force.</p> LucianaIV /users/429891 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1909695 2019-04-16T07:01:40-04:00 2019-04-16T07:01:40-04:00 @Estavali on post #3478679 (signum, reinforce, and levantine (lyrical nanoha and 3 more) drawn by san-pon) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/5d/11/5d11f4e1528a6f1d5ebc8dad5688588a.jpg"/> <p>I believe this should be tagged under A's instead of Force, no?</p> Estavali /users/66308