tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3538288 2019-06-15T17:31:13-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1925244 2019-06-15T17:31:13-04:00 2019-06-15T17:31:13-04:00 @HowtoBeTrash on post #3538288 ( original drawn by nakano_sora) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/2a/31/2a3179e672d015f5342a3ad05d1e9e2a.jpg"/> <p>Cock lock, Cock lock! Come get your very own cock lock. One small price for one big prize! Ever felt like too many girls were raping you because you your dashing looks?! NO MORE with the cock lock. keep em at bay with your "cock lock"ed away</p><p>For a small price of 39.99USD and your family jewels will be safe for the rest of your days!</p><p>AND THE BEST PART ABOUT THIS?<br> <br>30 days risk free and ship it back if you dont like it. Your cousins raping you? ask em for a rematch. Your step mom tired of your dad's dick? Keep her at bay with the cock lock AND a restraining order. </p><p>There are no draw backs, Thhere is no IF questions. ITS JUST THAT GOOD so come on down today and get your COCK LOCK TODAY!</p> HowtoBeTrash /users/600047