tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #363079 2011-12-17T05:46:33-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/939506 2011-12-17T05:46:33-05:00 2011-12-17T05:46:33-05:00 @I_love_porn on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>If she was real i'd order pizza from her just to get some pantyshot and maybe another thing if you caught my drift ;)</p> I_love_porn /users/257087 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/387257 2010-01-17T23:08:08-05:00 2010-01-17T23:08:08-05:00 @batousai7910 on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>And color changing panties, holy shit domino's needs this NOW</p> batousai7910 /users/108780 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/163303 2009-02-04T23:22:34-05:00 2009-02-04T23:22:34-05:00 @Wilren on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>And she -still- gets it to you in under 30 minutes.</p> Wilren /users/63592 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/149487 2008-12-28T19:56:57-05:00 2008-12-28T19:56:57-05:00 @Aline on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>TehBazzard said:<br>Noid's new foe.</p></blockquote><p>And CC's new rival.</p> Aline /users/17837 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/142385 2008-12-07T09:48:40-05:00 2008-12-07T09:48:40-05:00 @TehBazzard on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>Noid's new foe.</p> TehBazzard /users/92731 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/142229 2008-12-06T22:35:25-05:00 2008-12-06T22:35:25-05:00 @cloaknblade on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>...Exploding Domino Pizzas?</p> cloaknblade /users/19412 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/142223 2008-12-06T22:18:25-05:00 2008-12-06T22:18:25-05:00 @StriderTuna on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>Well that's her name... and she is of particularly high rank in the team rocket ranking (she takes orders directly from Givoanni himself, and he holds her in high esteem.</p> StriderTuna /users/44860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/142219 2008-12-06T22:08:45-05:00 2008-12-06T22:08:45-05:00 @Algasir on post #363079 (domino (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f7/e4/f7e4fd45e4aa097621464386dc1d24d4.jpg"/> <p>I was contemplating the team_rocket tag, but then I noticed it was a "D" on her uniform instead of an "R".</p> Algasir /users/23152