tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3665310 2020-04-06T07:32:36-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1995318 2020-04-06T07:32:36-04:00 2020-04-06T07:32:36-04:00 @arisboch on post #3665310 (sucy manbavaran and constanze amalie von braunschbank-albrechtsberger (little witch academia) drawn by silverxd001) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/4a/164aa183865dbce2de685a6c9e6c1a0e.jpg"/> <p>An exceptionally rare ship, to be sure, but not an unwelcome one. </p> arisboch /users/396439 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1957486 2019-10-26T14:24:24-04:00 2019-10-26T14:24:24-04:00 @Nightly1 on post #3665310 (sucy manbavaran and constanze amalie von braunschbank-albrechtsberger (little witch academia) drawn by silverxd001) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/16/4a/164aa183865dbce2de685a6c9e6c1a0e.jpg"/> <p>Ok I've seen this ship before a couple times and while I enjoy it a lot I can't help but wonder how it started. Good art btw :)!</p> Nightly1 /users/604965