tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #3673645 2019-11-02T12:46:28-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1959231 2019-11-02T12:46:28-04:00 2019-11-02T12:46:28-04:00 @usuallydead on post #3673645 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/40/a1/40a1fb5074bb634cea03dd011a3f3191.jpg"/> <p>Grats you're now covered in fish poop.</p> usuallydead /users/279605 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1958958 2019-11-01T12:19:52-04:00 2019-11-01T12:20:31-04:00 @Moonspeaker on post #3673645 (kochiya sanae and tatara kogasa (touhou) drawn by mizuki_hitoshi) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/40/a1/40a1fb5074bb634cea03dd011a3f3191.jpg"/> <p>I'm going to have a busy weekend, so I won't be able to get to these until at least eight hours after they're posted for the next day or two.</p><p>Reader-added tags include "I screwed up" (with the standard Kogasa pronoun), "Looks like something Yamame-san would do", and "Koime get some". (<em>Batchi-koi</em> ("Bring it on"), but using the kanji for <em>koi</em> carp.)</p> Moonspeaker /users/124541