tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #39486 2014-10-19T21:00:04-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1316808 2014-10-19T21:00:04-04:00 2014-10-19T21:00:04-04:00 @L_of_Shame on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>I don't know why the fuck everybody is talking about Shinji, I don't see him here.</p> L_of_Shame /users/364853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1252049 2014-04-02T19:13:37-04:00 2014-04-02T19:13:37-04:00 @crazael on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Zero_00 said:</p> <p>I think shinji would shit himself before the first 10 punches are thrown seeing as how much he cries during the series I doubt he'd put up much of a fight </p> </blockquote><p>Actually Shinji gets pretty effective when he needs to be. Remember, he has more angle kills than any of the other pilots. Very little can survive against Shinji and Unit-01.</p> crazael /users/169109 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/764890 2011-03-24T15:25:41-04:00 2011-03-24T15:25:41-04:00 @yaesir on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>dystopiate said:<br>The winner here is obvious. Have you forgotten, everybody? Victory goes to... THOSE WITH COURAGE!!!</p></blockquote><p>Yes that means... Gunbuster wins. It is the grandfather of all superrobots.</p><p>"A miracle will happen... I'LL MAKE IT HAPPEN."</p> yaesir /users/234102 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/730554 2011-02-07T14:02:25-05:00 2011-02-07T14:02:25-05:00 @Crisisaddict on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>Awesome image. Too bad it's missing someone. ;D</p> Crisisaddict /users/151922 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/721295 2011-01-26T19:42:56-05:00 2011-01-26T19:42:56-05:00 @Omnicrom on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>This is SRW@3 so the discussion of EVA time limits is pointless. In Alpha 3 all the Evangelion units have S2 Engines installed, so Asuka has all the time in the world to kick major ass alongside the Alpha Numbers.</p> Omnicrom /users/331359 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/667915 2010-11-20T06:14:20-05:00 2010-11-20T06:14:20-05:00 @mat_pom on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>this is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate GARthering,<br>good guys,good guys and good guys,where is the f**king enemy?<br>only one will survive,i wonder who it could be?<br>this is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate GARthering</p> mat_pom /users/115202 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/354229 2009-12-14T15:19:04-05:00 2009-12-14T15:19:04-05:00 @KendraKirai on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>No no no...The winner? Anybody who survives *watching* such a confrontation, should one occur.</p><p>And yeah, Shinji gets a shiny new pair of balls in Alpha. When Shinji Ikari tells you you're being a douche, you know you've failed (Kira).</p><p>Of course, when he *does* have his 'Heroic' BSOD, he crashes even harder.</p><p>It takes a tactical brightslap from almost your entire team to shake him out of it. Twice. I forget if you get the Goldion Crusher by then (I think you do), but regardless..there's nothing quite so satisfying as unleashing Gunbuster, Shin Getter, Mazinkaizer, (Genesic?) Gaogaigar, Daizengar, Raideen, Goshogun, and freakin' *Ideon* on his ass.</p><p>Gunbuster and Gaogaigar especially, 'cause if anyone needs a lesson in HARD WORK and GUTS and the power of COURAGE, it's Shinji, in *any* continuity. </p><p>...Except Warhammer 40K, that one's awesome.</p><p>Super Robot Wars, the ultimate FixFic.</p> KendraKirai /users/105142 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/354207 2009-12-14T15:05:27-05:00 2009-12-14T15:05:27-05:00 @dystopiate on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>The winner here is obvious. Have you forgotten, everybody? Victory goes to... THOSE WITH COURAGE!!!</p> dystopiate /users/227457 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/328873 2009-11-20T21:33:19-05:00 2009-11-20T21:33:19-05:00 @sgcdonmai on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>You'd be incorrect. He mans up bigtime in SRW Alpha continuity.</p><p>Just goes to show that, at least thus far, everyone can do Shinji better than Anno.</p> sgcdonmai /users/21085 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/320848 2009-11-12T11:19:32-05:00 2009-11-12T11:19:32-05:00 @Zero_00 on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anonymous said:<br>Seven enemies and 300 seconds of power. . .that`s forty seconds each with time to spare. Even stupid Shinji could do that. </p></blockquote><p>I think shinji would shit himself before the first 10 punches are thrown seeing as how much he cries during the series I doubt he'd put up much of a fight </p> Zero_00 /users/160583 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/307363 2009-10-28T18:30:35-04:00 2009-10-28T18:30:35-04:00 @Gauron1786 on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>I think the winner is amuro ray or kabuto koji</p> Gauron1786 /users/133311 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/218393 2009-06-20T12:00:04-04:00 2009-06-20T12:00:04-04:00 @haku67 on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>This guy ( nakamura kanko) really likes his super robot wars. :)</p> haku67 /users/94770 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/150534 2008-12-31T15:27:05-05:00 2008-12-31T15:27:05-05:00 @BakersCat on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>Considering this is from Super Robot Wars, where.. you know they all team up to kick ass.</p> BakersCat /users/17697 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/150465 2008-12-31T10:01:34-05:00 2008-12-31T10:01:34-05:00 @PuppetChaos on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>Actually, I doubt they're going to fight each other. It's like asking if Goku or Superman would win in a fight, the answer is neither, because they'd obviously team up to fight a common enemy.</p><p>This is just the Obligatory Awesome Pose before they start kicking some villain ass.</p> PuppetChaos /users/101134 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/77909 2008-03-04T13:28:02-05:00 2008-03-04T13:28:02-05:00 @ScallionN on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>See that big space between Shin getter and Gunbuster? Guess who goes there? Here's a hint: <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://danbooru.me/post/show/206394/">http://danbooru.me/post/show/206394/</a></p> ScallionN /users/27097 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/57090 2007-05-24T15:20:48-04:00 2007-05-24T15:20:48-04:00 @memento_mori on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>I think this is <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://otn.mkrn.upper.jp/">http://otn.mkrn.upper.jp/</a> but I'm not sure!</p> memento_mori /users/22 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/51869 2007-02-19T23:11:24-05:00 2007-02-19T23:11:24-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>badass.</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/51865 2007-02-19T22:45:57-05:00 2007-02-19T22:45:57-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>That effin' AT-Field better not fail like in EOE</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/51818 2007-02-19T21:27:54-05:00 2007-02-19T21:27:54-05:00 @MD_Anonymous on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>zengar is gonna win with his zankantou</p> MD_Anonymous /users/13 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/51803 2007-02-19T21:07:23-05:00 2007-02-19T21:07:23-05:00 @Dr_Fine_Rolo on post #39486 (souryuu asuka langley, amuro ray, mylene jenius, irui guneden, sanger zonvolt, and 4 more (gundam and 10 more) drawn by nakamura_kanko) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/28/ed/28ed28132c4d37e006b0802b40d78b80.jpg"/> <p>Fire Bomber. LISTEN TO MY SONG.</p> Dr_Fine_Rolo /users/144