tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #399913 2014-03-19T02:57:01-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1247741 2014-03-19T02:57:01-04:00 2014-03-19T02:57:01-04:00 @sonda on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>FangPanzer said:</p> <p>Hothead? That's putting it mildly, she chased a guy through the middle of a freaking desert because the poor sod accidently saw her naked in the shower (to which I envy him greatly) and blew up the jeep he was ridding on.</p> </blockquote><p>You forgot to mention that when he drove away, she commandeered what was a fighter jet in their world and fired missiles.</p> sonda /users/405112 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/885151 2011-09-16T21:27:05-04:00 2011-09-16T21:27:05-04:00 @OOZ662 on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>I've always figured she could be defeated by severing the wires carrying the fire commands to the guns on one side...then she'd unload like usual and tip over due to the weight difference.</p> OOZ662 /users/332700 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/885074 2011-09-16T19:21:12-04:00 2011-09-16T19:21:12-04:00 @FangPanzer on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>StriderTuna said:<br>Yeah a <strong>nicely</strong> overdeveloped hothead brat makes for a poor sniper.</p></blockquote><p>Hothead? That's putting it mildly, she chased a guy through the middle of a freaking desert because the poor sod accidently saw her naked in the shower (to which I envy him greatly) and blew up the jeep he was ridding on.</p> FangPanzer /users/359054 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/885064 2011-09-16T19:09:27-04:00 2011-09-16T19:09:27-04:00 @aceof8 on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>nyroc65 said:<br>Methinks she forgot the nuclear missiles.</p></blockquote><p>DON'T LET HER FUCKING KNOW!!! </p> aceof8 /users/206404 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/703474 2011-01-02T20:10:00-05:00 2011-01-02T20:10:00-05:00 @nyroc65 on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>Methinks she forgot the nuclear missiles.</p> nyroc65 /users/170228 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/596163 2010-08-26T00:56:16-04:00 2010-08-26T00:56:16-04:00 @donkaimo on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>she is probably thinking that she needs more guns </p> donkaimo /users/325087 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/504850 2010-05-14T23:04:44-04:00 2010-05-14T23:04:44-04:00 @StriderTuna on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Mr_GT said:<br>Actually her Gun Sniper still retains it's ability to use it's 144mm tail sniper rifle. Now why she hasn't use it probably stems from her personality and skill level.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah a <strong>nicely</strong> overdeveloped hothead brat makes for a poor sniper.</p> StriderTuna /users/44860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/411716 2010-02-11T22:01:07-05:00 2010-02-11T22:01:07-05:00 @Keita-Kuhn on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>Needs moar dakka</p> Keita-Kuhn /users/120801 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/271511 2009-09-14T16:08:56-04:00 2009-09-14T16:08:56-04:00 @user_10189 on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>I agree with AbatedDust It has to be Chaotic Century. Then later on the other series. I might try out Zoid Genesis myself now that he suggested it.</p> user_10189 /users/10189 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/270231 2009-09-12T22:41:54-04:00 2009-09-12T22:41:54-04:00 @AbatedDust on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>dragnfly said:<br>So if one's not very keen on the usual kid's series and is looking for something with a bit more depth, which Zoids series would you folks suggest I go with?</p></blockquote><p>Zoids Chaotic century, which has two seasons; Chaotic Century and Guardian Force, or Zoids Genesis.</p> AbatedDust /users/181698 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267379 2009-09-09T04:22:40-04:00 2009-09-09T04:22:40-04:00 @Mr_GT on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tetsamaru said:<br>I always wanted to see an episode that would force her to use the "Sniper mode" only to utterly fail because maybe the mechanics for it had to be taken out to make room for other stuff.</p></blockquote><p>Actually her Gun Sniper still retains it's ability to use it's 144mm tail sniper rifle. Now why she hasn't use it probably stems from her personality and skill level.</p> Mr_GT /users/102191 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267377 2009-09-09T04:19:18-04:00 2009-09-09T04:19:18-04:00 @dragnfly on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>So if one's not very keen on the usual kid's series and is looking for something with a bit more depth, which Zoids series would you folks suggest I go with?</p> dragnfly /users/9815 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267286 2009-09-08T23:33:42-04:00 2009-09-08T23:33:42-04:00 @JackCuervo on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>I just remembered why this was my favorite zoid</p> JackCuervo /users/188854 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267147 2009-09-08T19:36:05-04:00 2009-09-08T19:36:05-04:00 @Tetsamaru on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>I always wanted to see an episode that would force her to use the "Sniper mode" only to utterly fail because maybe the mechanics for it had to be taken out to make room for other stuff.</p> Tetsamaru /users/99753 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267079 2009-09-08T17:51:53-04:00 2009-09-08T17:51:53-04:00 @onesangheili on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>ChozoAran said:<br>Rinon Toros, the only mecha pilot to take her giant robot creature and make its role the complete opposite of what its intended for.</p> <p>To her the hat is tipped.</p> </blockquote><p>And to everyone's surprise, it works wonders when it has to!</p> onesangheili /users/139991 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267074 2009-09-08T17:47:26-04:00 2009-09-08T17:47:26-04:00 @ChozoAran on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>Rinon Toros, the only mecha pilot to take her giant robot creature and make its role the complete opposite of what its intended for.</p><p>To her the hat is tipped.</p> ChozoAran /users/54604 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267057 2009-09-08T17:30:03-04:00 2009-09-08T17:30:03-04:00 @Apirant on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>That thing is huge compared to her.</p> Apirant /users/108968 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/267014 2009-09-08T16:50:58-04:00 2009-09-08T16:50:58-04:00 @dragnfly on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>I never got into Zoids back when I took note of it because I saw the rush of toys and stuff and figured it was a kid's show. But I must admit the mecha look pretty darn cool. Maybe it'd be worth a watch.</p> dragnfly /users/9815 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/266987 2009-09-08T16:25:32-04:00 2009-09-08T16:25:32-04:00 @user_10189 on post #399913 (rinon toros and gun sniper (zoids and 1 more) drawn by yudoufu_(yudouhu)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/23/32/2332db60e27de551aa6315e76ec482e2.jpg"/> <p>Talking about pimp my ride...</p> user_10189 /users/10189