tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #435387 2011-04-22T18:35:04-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/786102 2011-04-22T18:35:04-04:00 2011-04-22T18:35:04-04:00 @famebuoyant on post #435387 (shiki haruomi, orifushi mafuyu, orifushi akina, and orifushi natsumi (kanojo x kanojo x kanojo) drawn by happoubi_jin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f2/78/f278f0f0e8afb9c28101c238e0e1d117.jpg"/> <p>That middle girl must be getting an intense orgasm.</p> famebuoyant /users/349406 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/606233 2010-09-06T17:26:15-04:00 2010-09-06T17:26:15-04:00 @NightChime on post #435387 (shiki haruomi, orifushi mafuyu, orifushi akina, and orifushi natsumi (kanojo x kanojo x kanojo) drawn by happoubi_jin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f2/78/f278f0f0e8afb9c28101c238e0e1d117.jpg"/> <p>That's what the blonde is for.</p> NightChime /users/95714 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/462560 2010-03-30T16:08:53-04:00 2010-03-30T16:08:53-04:00 @leash on post #435387 (shiki haruomi, orifushi mafuyu, orifushi akina, and orifushi natsumi (kanojo x kanojo x kanojo) drawn by happoubi_jin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f2/78/f278f0f0e8afb9c28101c238e0e1d117.jpg"/> <p>those breasts are way too huge</p> leash /users/320379 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/347832 2009-12-08T18:22:20-05:00 2009-12-08T18:22:20-05:00 @EgoBrain221 on post #435387 (shiki haruomi, orifushi mafuyu, orifushi akina, and orifushi natsumi (kanojo x kanojo x kanojo) drawn by happoubi_jin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f2/78/f278f0f0e8afb9c28101c238e0e1d117.jpg"/> <p>the middle girl is the lucky one shes getting all the attention</p> EgoBrain221 /users/114443 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/264883 2009-09-05T17:03:04-04:00 2009-09-05T17:03:04-04:00 @Scollee on post #435387 (shiki haruomi, orifushi mafuyu, orifushi akina, and orifushi natsumi (kanojo x kanojo x kanojo) drawn by happoubi_jin) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f2/78/f278f0f0e8afb9c28101c238e0e1d117.jpg"/> <p>lucky bastard</p> Scollee /users/118903