tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #444586 2010-02-04T15:33:55-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/404049 2010-02-04T15:33:55-05:00 2010-02-04T15:33:55-05:00 @Justy on post #444586 (shameimaru aya, inubashiri momiji, and kimeemaru (touhou) drawn by nada_haruka) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/cf/ebcf49a25597403ae9d52b83561320c7.jpg"/> <p>Sure is wind god girl in here.</p> Justy /users/96341 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/303784 2009-10-24T21:43:31-04:00 2009-10-24T21:43:31-04:00 @zero5889 on post #444586 (shameimaru aya, inubashiri momiji, and kimeemaru (touhou) drawn by nada_haruka) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/cf/ebcf49a25597403ae9d52b83561320c7.jpg"/> <p>Notice Aya's camera? That's a pink "Blackbird, fly 135 TLR" camera - the same one used by Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade). Mind if we add the "kamen_rider_dcd" tag?</p> zero5889 /users/228126