tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #568708 2010-06-10T20:55:53-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/529297 2010-06-10T20:55:53-04:00 2010-06-10T20:55:53-04:00 @Hauro on post #568708 (momo velia deviluke, nana asta deviluke, and yuuki rito (to love-ru) drawn by katou_haruaki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/61/8e/618e79966f73f061ff434dc8c09f8c37.jpg"/> <p>Rito is just one of the toys, the girl on top is the one who is controling the sex. So, Femdom</p> Hauro /users/99069 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/386362 2010-01-17T00:45:29-05:00 2010-01-17T00:45:29-05:00 @Tolone on post #568708 (momo velia deviluke, nana asta deviluke, and yuuki rito (to love-ru) drawn by katou_haruaki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/61/8e/618e79966f73f061ff434dc8c09f8c37.jpg"/> <p>I might be wrong, but it appears rito is taking one end, while the sister is using a dildo in the other(it's pink). Doesn't look like the futa or femdon tags applies.</p> Tolone /users/27529