tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #629295 2015-04-17T12:16:04-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1384425 2015-04-17T12:16:04-04:00 2015-04-17T12:16:04-04:00 @Knuckx117 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>RussDawg09 said:</p> <p>haha oh touhou.....kindly remove your fucking presence from other franchises and stop ruining them with your disease </p> </blockquote><p>Meanwhile, 4 years in the future, people are saying the same thing about My Little Pony.</p> Knuckx117 /users/260598 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1208163 2013-11-16T23:23:02-05:00 2013-11-16T23:23:02-05:00 @SonicGTR on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>I like to think that whatever is attacking them are particularly fucked because Rumia reminded the Chief of Parisa, the girl he saved from drowning on his home planet and whom he promised to marry and keep safe a few weeks before he was conscripted into the SPARTAN-II program and replaced with a flash clone.</p><p>Spoilers:<span class="spoiler"> He actually would keep his promise of protecting her when they would meet again at the Battle of Mombasa. She kept a photo of herself with John that her dad took at the lake after he rescued her. Just as John was intending to remind Parisa to not bring personal items to a combat zone, he recognized the picture. Parisa, obviously not recognizing John because of his armor, explained the story behind the picture to him. Despite the sudden flood of memories, John couldn't bring himself to reveal who he was, knowing that doing so would be a massive security breach for ONI. Instead he maintained his stoic facade and the two of them began planning a counterattack against the Covenant. If she was later sent to Voi like most of the regiments were instead of ONI Site Alpha, she would have most likely survived the war.</span></p><div class="spoiler"><p>Also, I like to think that she actually had blonde hair and red eyes instead of black hair and blue eyes.</p></div> SonicGTR /users/126141 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1174392 2013-07-20T05:02:50-04:00 2013-07-20T05:02:50-04:00 @L_of_Shame on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>Why do some people just hate on Touhou? Do they wanna die?</p> L_of_Shame /users/364853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1121822 2013-01-19T10:40:27-05:00 2013-01-19T10:40:27-05:00 @Roadkill1992 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>There's a good reason for this: John-117 is a freakin hero. He's got some issues, and he'll probably be popping a LOT of pills when he retires, but he's still a hero, meant to save humanity. Doesn't matter that she's not human, Chief's still gonna protect her from the big bad Covenant, or youkai, or even internet trolls xP</p> Roadkill1992 /users/361303 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/897746 2011-10-07T07:41:57-04:00 2011-10-07T07:41:57-04:00 @WatcherCCG on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>McSpanky said:<br>Fixed. Because Touhou is EVERYWHERE. Haruhi not so much.</p> <p>...if I've understood you correctly, then you may be an idiot, Watcher. When Forte said, "I'm not sure about the former", he meant that he couldn't say for certain that "the former" (I.E. HARUHI) is unstoppable; this implies that, as far as he can tell, Touhou IS unstoppable.</p> </blockquote>[/quote]...Well damn, that's gotta be my biggest dyslexia moment ever. WatcherCCG /users/260802 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/851590 2011-07-26T20:58:20-04:00 2011-07-26T20:58:20-04:00 @APerson2380 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>While clearly a failed retcon, the flashlight does make more sense than night vision in a way. Think about the things the spartan armor can do that odst armor cannot. The motherfucker can FALL FROM SPACE. Gear like night vision either wouldn't fit or wouldn't seal properly in that helmet of his, whereas a flashlight would be a simple exterior accessory, shielded over for good measure.</p> APerson2380 /users/120652 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/810092 2011-05-24T14:02:33-04:00 2011-05-24T14:02:33-04:00 @warellis on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>I'm pretty sure that Spartans would still have flashlight on them.</p><p>One thing I never understood is why is it that the ODSTs in Halo ODST get special equipment that Spartans wouldn't get? Spartens are the most elite spec-ops group the UNSC has, so wouldn't they always get the highest quality and most advanced tech whenever the UNSC issues something to them?</p> warellis /users/253864 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/807745 2011-05-21T08:01:02-04:00 2011-05-21T08:01:02-04:00 @sotonya on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Celticcondor said:<br>I think you mean ODSTs with the whole thermal/night vision thing. Last I checked, all Master Chief has was a stupid flashlight. (Unless he upgraded his armor or something)</p></blockquote><p>Noble Team spartans used night vision and battle for Reach was b4 halo 1. So we can assume flashlight on spartan gear was pretty much retconed.</p> sotonya /users/164000 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/807742 2011-05-21T07:55:19-04:00 2011-05-21T07:55:19-04:00 @user_140903 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tetsamaru said:<br>Well obviously i wasnt talking about using it in broad daylight. Also, MC would have thermal and or night vision built into his helmet anyway.</p></blockquote><p>I think you mean ODSTs with the whole thermal/night vision thing. Last I checked, all Master Chief has was a stupid flashlight. (Unless he upgraded his armor or something)</p> user_140903 /users/140903 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/807522 2011-05-20T22:43:52-04:00 2011-05-20T22:43:52-04:00 @McSpanky on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>WatcherCCG said:</p> <blockquote><p>ForteGVN said:<br>Some great man once said, "Only two things that can't be stopped, the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Touhou, and I'm not sure about the latter."</p></blockquote> <p>Fixed. Because Touhou is EVERYWHERE. Haruhi not so much.</p> </blockquote><p>...if I've understood you correctly, then you may be an idiot, Watcher. When Forte said, "I'm not sure about the former", he meant that he couldn't say for certain that "the former" (I.E. HARUHI) is unstoppable; this implies that, as far as he can tell, Touhou IS unstoppable.</p> McSpanky /users/337381 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/787876 2011-04-24T19:19:26-04:00 2011-04-24T19:19:26-04:00 @ProbeDrone on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSqm5Id6Hw0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSqm5Id6Hw0</a> &lt;- probably has to do with this song.</p><p>Under Cover Of Night, and since Rumia can make it pitch black, well. I say a pun or something like that?</p> ProbeDrone /users/329461 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/784718 2011-04-20T23:54:04-04:00 2011-04-20T23:54:04-04:00 @Hyperion_Zero on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>...it really should be Nitori there instead of Rumia. She makes infinite more sense.</p></blockquote><p>She would take his weapons and armor apart to see how they work.</p><p>On the upside, she might add stuff like optic camo and hidden weapons to his suit.<br>The downside, she may forget to mention where they are or how they are activated.</p> Hyperion_Zero /users/63897 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/784697 2011-04-20T23:01:43-04:00 2011-04-20T23:01:43-04:00 @SinfireTitan on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>asia_catdog_blue said:<br>Master Cheif. Stay away from her. She eats humans.</p></blockquote><p>According to TV Tropes, Spartans are enhanced beyond humanity. They would be like sub-Youkai, but above Fairy (Cirno and Lily White excluded). Not very powerful, but strong enough to not be rock-bottom like humans.</p><p>And it really should be Nitori there instead of Rumia. She makes infinite more sense.</p> SinfireTitan /users/332389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/764765 2011-03-24T10:43:45-04:00 2011-03-24T10:43:45-04:00 @WatcherCCG on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>ForteGVN said:<br>Some great man once said, "Only two things that can't be stopped, the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Touhou, and I'm not sure about the latter."</p></blockquote><p>Fixed. Because Touhou is EVERYWHERE. Haruhi not so much.</p> WatcherCCG /users/260802 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/757447 2011-03-14T05:56:25-04:00 2011-03-14T05:56:25-04:00 @LunarHunter on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>"If only I had an invisibility powerup..."</p><p>"Is that so? I think I can help us out!"</p><p>".... Now I can't see to shoot, either...."</p><p>Too bad the Chief was only issued with a dinky flashlight as opposed to the ODST hud-targeting system and Reach night vision and stuff.</p> LunarHunter /users/160901 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/752619 2011-03-07T14:32:55-05:00 2011-03-07T14:32:55-05:00 @asia_catdog_blue on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>Master Cheif. Stay away from her. She eats humans.</p> asia_catdog_blue /users/310257 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/657434 2010-11-05T22:17:32-04:00 2010-11-05T22:17:32-04:00 @kfshradio on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>OTP.</p><p>Nuff said.</p> kfshradio /users/335088 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/655748 2010-11-03T21:12:38-04:00 2010-11-03T21:12:38-04:00 @Soulfire99 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>Big men in armor with guns and little girls?<br>Am I the only one that's thinking of Bioshock?</p> Soulfire99 /users/333771 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/598707 2010-08-28T22:41:49-04:00 2010-08-28T22:41:49-04:00 @cokerpilot on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>luigi2020 said:<br>Is this so?</p></blockquote><p>Oh god damn it.</p> cokerpilot /users/324090 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/596226 2010-08-26T03:30:16-04:00 2010-08-26T03:30:16-04:00 @luigi2020 on post #629295 (rumia and master chief (touhou and 2 more) drawn by hetza_(hellshock)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/71/83/7183eb584a4788032cc63a10c7f7ee87.jpg"/> <p>Is this so?</p> luigi2020 /users/246741