tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #632656 2010-05-01T19:28:24-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/492836 2010-05-01T19:28:24-04:00 2010-05-01T19:28:24-04:00 @heyhey16 on post #632656 (hatsune miku (vocaloid and 1 more) drawn by root_effect) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <blockquote><p>delilah said:<br>for a half second, when the train came, i thought it was gonna hit miku.</p></blockquote><p>lol i thought that too</p> heyhey16 /users/294374 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/444959 2010-03-12T02:34:50-05:00 2010-03-12T02:34:50-05:00 @delilah on post #632656 (hatsune miku (vocaloid and 1 more) drawn by root_effect) <img src="/cdn_image/images/download-preview.png"/> <p>for a half second, when the train came, i thought it was gonna hit miku.</p> delilah /users/103394