tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #661628 2011-12-19T20:23:41-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/941062 2011-12-19T20:23:41-05:00 2011-12-19T20:23:41-05:00 @Tyko on post #661628 (piplup, lucario, garchomp, lopunny, turtwig, and 62 more (pokemon) drawn by nojo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/e4/ebe43fe4ba69f3e6f07bece0a50ef6c9.jpg"/> <p>Really love this... reminds me of Kosetsu Hyaku Monogatari.</p> Tyko /users/123648 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/759879 2011-03-17T14:38:17-04:00 2011-03-17T14:38:17-04:00 @キリン on post #661628 (piplup, lucario, garchomp, lopunny, turtwig, and 62 more (pokemon) drawn by nojo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/e4/ebe43fe4ba69f3e6f07bece0a50ef6c9.jpg"/> <p>I CANNOT be the only one who thought of the Okami Beatiary when I saw this.</p> キリン /users/323060 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/518875 2010-05-30T11:09:28-04:00 2010-05-30T11:09:28-04:00 @Megumi-03 on post #661628 (piplup, lucario, garchomp, lopunny, turtwig, and 62 more (pokemon) drawn by nojo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/e4/ebe43fe4ba69f3e6f07bece0a50ef6c9.jpg"/> <p>@_@</p> Megumi-03 /users/230189 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/489955 2010-04-28T19:27:38-04:00 2010-04-28T19:27:38-04:00 @Bomber64 on post #661628 (piplup, lucario, garchomp, lopunny, turtwig, and 62 more (pokemon) drawn by nojo) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/e4/ebe43fe4ba69f3e6f07bece0a50ef6c9.jpg"/> <p>Damn, I want a giant poster with all these on there, or atleast broke down by region. </p> Bomber64 /users/106133