tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #710649 2011-03-05T20:11:55-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/751422 2011-03-05T20:11:55-05:00 2011-03-05T20:11:55-05:00 @defendre on post #710649 (hakurei reimu (touhou) drawn by alphonse_(white_datura)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/cf/cecffe4bb95c47003948520ec1f7e335.jpg"/> <p> We need your voice</p><p>Oh Mi-color coverage of the leaders!</p> defendre /users/345735 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/751395 2011-03-05T19:29:58-05:00 2011-03-05T19:29:58-05:00 @Dreadhawk on post #710649 (hakurei reimu (touhou) drawn by alphonse_(white_datura)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/cf/cecffe4bb95c47003948520ec1f7e335.jpg"/> <p>Because static images are usually too calm. Wind brings liveliness and that feeling of one's entire being becoming fluid to perception. </p> Dreadhawk /users/97895 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/730501 2011-02-07T12:52:01-05:00 2011-02-07T12:52:01-05:00 @Ipswich67 on post #710649 (hakurei reimu (touhou) drawn by alphonse_(white_datura)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/cf/cecffe4bb95c47003948520ec1f7e335.jpg"/> <p>86 favorites (at time of writing) and no comments?</p><p>Well on that note I'll make one. What is it about wind that puts things over the threshold of epicness? Think about every badass picture or scene from a movie; it's always windy.</p> Ipswich67 /users/103553