tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #749233 2020-03-18T10:31:09-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1990023 2020-03-18T10:31:09-04:00 2020-03-18T10:31:09-04:00 @L.A.L.A. on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Does not compute! Does not compute! System shutdown!</p> L.A.L.A. /users/736106 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1385308 2015-04-19T15:45:24-04:00 2015-04-19T15:45:24-04:00 @Chucu on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>lolin86 said:</p> <p>Making characters "grow up" or mature is always more positive than negative in my book, I never understood why they didnt went that way</p> </blockquote><p>Because after growing, some characters like Satoshi's mother or Prof. Oak could... emh... Flee from home! And death is something they don't want to adress even in the videogames. "Lavender town? Never again!" they seem to have said.</p> Chucu /users/448015 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1186700 2013-09-02T10:10:21-04:00 2013-09-02T10:10:21-04:00 @Knocks on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Iris is confused!<br>She hurt herself in her confusion.</p> Knocks /users/381562 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1182302 2013-08-17T21:09:06-04:00 2013-08-17T21:09:06-04:00 @OmniGman on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>NeoDarkKnight said:</p> <p>I too can traverse several different countries entirely on foot in under a year. Yep.</p> </blockquote><p>It's actually quite possible. It's even possible to walk from California to New York in just roughly two to three months (and there are states in the U.S. that are larger than small countries), though you'd have to walk around a whopping 50 miles a day to pull it off. Very much possible, but unlikely to say the least. Also, you have to remember...</p><blockquote> <p>Pata-Hikari said:</p> <p>If you want to get technical, Ash hasn't been traveling to different countries. Remember, each region represents an area of Japan. So Ash has just been traveling around *one* country.</p> <p>Except in Unova. Now he actually is in a different country.</p> </blockquote><p>...That the regions in Pokemon are just that; regions, not entire countries in of themselves as Pata-Hikari points out, and regions of Japan at that (we have individual states that have far more land mass than all the islands of Japan put together). Unova is based on New York, and not even the entire state of New York at that, but just one region of it.</p><p>So its perfectly possible to walk through five regions (Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Sinnoh, ad Hoenn) in under a year, even taking some time to take in the sights (especially since he didn't 'walk' through the Orange Islands, he had his Lapras swim him from one island to the next and it presumably swims far faster than a human walks). Though there is a world of difference between "take in the sights" and "get into a new adventure on an almost daily basis". That kid gets into so much freaking trouble it should have taken him at least three years to get through it all, especially since some of the earlier episodes had him ad his friends complaining about being lost for days at a time.</p> OmniGman /users/334573 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1063800 2012-08-26T06:02:32-04:00 2012-08-26T06:02:32-04:00 @Alignn on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Reminds me of that scene in Let the right one in, not sure if it was in the overseas version.<br>"I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time."</p> Alignn /users/351337 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1063564 2012-08-25T15:51:41-04:00 2012-08-25T15:51:41-04:00 @Mamizou on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>HaroldRowsdower said:<br>Humans must evolve like Pokemon. He's Ash the Preteen, and for some unknown reason hasn't yet gained enough experience to evolve to Teenager, despite enough time passing that he could reasonably have evolved to Adult by now.</p> <p>Maybe he swallowed an Everstone at some point?</p> </blockquote><p>Nah, Pikachu just keeps pressing B-button after each birthday.</p> Mamizou /users/359789 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1049949 2012-07-26T10:31:10-04:00 2012-07-26T10:31:10-04:00 @Kitsune_Inari on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>JakeBob said:<br>FFFFFFFFFFFF BEATEN TO IT</p> <p>WHERE'S THAT TABLE THROWING EMOTE?!</p> </blockquote><p>This one? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻</p> Kitsune_Inari /users/357109 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1049944 2012-07-26T10:25:06-04:00 2012-07-26T10:25:06-04:00 @BakaBlue on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Even if he is 10 he should be legable to get a car, considering Gary Oak had one and was an experianced driver already...then again, that might be just because he is Gary Oak.</p> BakaBlue /users/370214 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/928025 2011-11-27T07:00:57-05:00 2011-11-27T07:00:57-05:00 @qsurf on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>BadRoad said:<br>He has inside him blood of kings.<br>He has no rival. No man can be his equal.</p></blockquote><p>...so he's Gilgamesh's son then?</p> qsurf /users/364296 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/831085 2011-06-24T16:44:22-04:00 2011-06-24T16:44:22-04:00 @BadRoad on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Neuro39 said:<br>Is he...<br>Perhaps...<br>Immortal???</p></blockquote><p>He has inside him blood of kings.<br>He has no rival. No man can be his equal.</p> BadRoad /users/340496 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/799587 2011-05-09T10:57:38-04:00 2011-05-09T10:57:38-04:00 @HaroldRowsdower on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Humans must evolve like Pokemon. He's Ash the Preteen, and for some unknown reason hasn't yet gained enough experience to evolve to Teenager, despite enough time passing that he could reasonably have evolved to Adult by now.</p><p>Maybe he swallowed an Everstone at some point?</p> HaroldRowsdower /users/342743 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/766536 2011-03-27T04:44:28-04:00 2011-03-27T04:44:28-04:00 @Roywood on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>I blame all the time he spent carrying the GS ball. Celebi is responsible.</p></blockquote><p>True!! CAN'T UNREAD!!</p><p>BTW, the last panel made me lol.</p> Roywood /users/160944 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/763640 2011-03-22T16:18:48-04:00 2011-03-22T16:18:48-04:00 @Pata-Hikari on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>NeoDarkKnight said:<br>I too can traverse several different countries entirely on foot in under a year. Yep.</p></blockquote><p>If you want to get technical, Ash hasn't been traveling to different countries. Remember, each region represents an area of Japan. So Ash has just been traveling around *one* country.</p><p>Except in Unova. Now he actually is in a different country.</p> Pata-Hikari /users/101389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/742591 2011-02-22T17:27:07-05:00 2011-02-22T17:27:07-05:00 @Shinkukage09 on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Photon said:<br>I'm starting to believe the <span class="spoiler">Pokemon Movie 1 theory. The Pokemon tears that brought Ash back to life probably stopped his aging as well.</span></p></blockquote><p>I propose my own theory that encorporates EVERYONE that has journeyed with him and pretty much not changed. "Too much exposure to legendaries." Legendary power changed everyone who encounters them too much, thus stopping the aging process, or at least slowing it greatly. It...makes sense, in a way. </p> Shinkukage09 /users/320732 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/730275 2011-02-07T05:00:42-05:00 2011-02-07T05:00:42-05:00 @Photon on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>I'm starting to believe the <span class="spoiler">Pokemon Movie 1 theory. The Pokemon tears that brought Ash back to life probably stopped his aging as well.</span></p> Photon /users/22107 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/680319 2010-12-05T08:12:40-05:00 2010-12-05T08:12:40-05:00 @Stealthjet on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>Obvio</p><blockquote><p>namenameha said:<br>He won't get a car because it's not free... didn't you know that everything he gets has to be for free?</p></blockquote><p>Obviously somebody is going to give him a car if he drives one.</p> Stealthjet /users/203363 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/666851 2010-11-18T20:56:19-05:00 2010-11-18T20:56:19-05:00 @namenameha on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>VocaUtau said:<br>Exactly!</p></blockquote><p>He won't get a car because it's not free... didn't you know that everything he gets has to be for free?</p> namenameha /users/147725 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/662853 2010-11-12T20:41:45-05:00 2010-11-12T20:41:45-05:00 @VocaUtau on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Tetsamaru said:<br>Even if it wasnt in real time, theres no freaking way some of seasons was only 1 year.</p></blockquote><p>In the black and white anime, the narrator says Satoshi/Ash is still ten. <br>TIME PARADOX!<br>The seasons do change every so often in the anime, so he must have at least been at it for a few years. <br>Unless...<br>Oh nose! Satoshi/Ash must be (dun Dun DUN) a VAMPIRE!!!</p> VocaUtau /users/267872 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/653545 2010-10-31T11:01:47-04:00 2010-10-31T11:01:47-04:00 @SinfireTitan on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <p>I blame all the time he spent carrying the GS ball. Celebi is responsible.</p> SinfireTitan /users/332389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/653541 2010-10-31T10:57:57-04:00 2010-10-31T10:57:57-04:00 @Magus on post #749233 (satoshi and iris (pokemon and 2 more) drawn by pokemoa) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/ad/daad75fdc313befb54baf9e3e30a7404.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>UnnamedYoukai said:<br>I meant the anime character, I know they replace the guy in each game, you'd have to not play the series to think otherwise.</p> <p>I was thinking like each game iteration would get a series that more or less followed the game with maybe a little bit of extra stuff but it would END at some point. Does that convey my idea a little better?</p> </blockquote><p>Which would <strong>also</strong> do a better job of advertising the new games, which is after all the whole purpose of the anime.</p><p>Not that Pokemon games even need to be advertised.</p> Magus /users/15864