tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #779526 2012-11-25T16:47:43-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1100639 2012-11-25T16:47:43-05:00 2012-11-25T16:47:43-05:00 @ithekro on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>I guess Americans are spoiled when it comes to public restrooms.</p> ithekro /users/372491 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098506 2012-11-20T10:30:58-05:00 2012-11-20T10:30:58-05:00 @TenguerecheBionico on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>I'm from El Salvador and the common rule my brothers and friends thaught me was that you should not go to any toilet outside your own house unless it's an extreme case.<br>Either public toilets (including most public schools) are totally unhygienic or there is no paper and you may come into some unwanted troubles therefore -.-"</p> TenguerecheBionico /users/145517 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1015953 2012-05-16T20:53:46-04:00 2012-05-16T20:53:46-04:00 @gnit on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Torpedo said:<br>Oh god, having been to china recently, I can testify this comic. Have to carry paper around everywhere.</p> <p>Though I was a lot more stunned everytime I saw a toilet you could actually sit on than one with paper, as those are pretty rare as well.</p> </blockquote><p>yeah, there aren't many toilet in the mainland China one can comfortably sit on, and I know the reason behind it:</p><p>they are not regularly cleaned, sometimes the janitor might even slack off, so the toilet seat is not clean to begin with.<br>how to the residents deal with this problem? Simple, they <strong>squat</strong> on the toilet seat to use the toilet. Brilliant, now we got mis-sprayed urine and poop everywhere in the toilet and shoeprints on the toilet seat, and the janitor is even less eager to clean the toilet. F*cking brilliant.</p><p>I'm glad I'm living in HongKong, where toilet paper is still absent in toilets outside of malls but at least no one's squatting. Though I can still see "no squatting"signs on the doors of toilets on tourist spots.</p> gnit /users/329458 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/888079 2011-09-21T08:59:49-04:00 2011-09-21T08:59:49-04:00 @FRien on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>That picture is typical from Danbooru. You expect jokes about toilets, and you've got testimony from all around the world, about toilet paper.</p> FRien /users/204869 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/804668 2011-05-16T08:16:58-04:00 2011-05-16T08:16:58-04:00 @Sereptim on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>And once again my silly ethnocentric view of another topic is shattered. This time in regards to public toilets! Thank you fine ladies and gentlemen above me.</p> Sereptim /users/336140 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/803857 2011-05-15T04:30:46-04:00 2011-05-15T04:30:46-04:00 @Torpedo on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>Oh god, having been to china recently, I can testify this comic. Have to carry paper around everywhere.</p><p>Though I was a lot more stunned everytime I saw a toilet you could actually sit on than one with paper, as those are pretty rare as well.</p> Torpedo /users/314460 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/780606 2011-04-16T03:17:16-04:00 2011-04-16T03:17:16-04:00 @Tsukasa on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>Funnily enough, I'd read a book by an European guy living in Japan in the '80s who testified the exact opposite of this comic - according to him, toilet paper in Japanese public toilets was inexistent, which is why he was ever-grateful for the free tissues given out on the streets.</p><p>He left Japan in 1994, so I guess free toilet paper is a relatively recent development in Japan.</p> Tsukasa /users/12294 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/751401 2011-03-05T19:46:11-05:00 2011-03-05T19:46:11-05:00 @alphamone on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>the other issue with toilet paper in China is that many sewerage systems are not able to handle the more common types of toilet paper (basicly, anything that is thick enough to be of use).</p> alphamone /users/99433 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743208 2011-02-23T12:50:07-05:00 2011-02-23T12:50:07-05:00 @Gah! on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>From where I come from it pretty much depend of the place... In Malls, toilet paper can be found anywhere, fast food places have a low chance of having it and gas stations won't have it. ever.</p><p>Note that the chances of finding toilet paper are proportional to the state of the bath itself, from incredibly clean to completely filthy... Maybe this just happens in many other countries.</p> Gah! /users/103898 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743196 2011-02-23T12:24:45-05:00 2011-02-23T12:24:45-05:00 @Saladofstones on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>rantuyetmai said:<br>I learned something new. Up until now I've thought that the Dutch is more famous for being extremely saving, but I've yet to hear toilet paper stealing.</p></blockquote><p>Belgium is a weird place. We have the Flemish, who are Dutch, and the Walloons, who are French. Neither side likes each other for one reason or another and blame each other for the country's problems.</p><p>Bear in mind how small Belgium is and how ineffectual our police are and all of this is rather funny.</p><p>I'm not saying that Belgians aren't into saving, but I remember this Christmas Season there were incidents of people stealing Christmas lights. Christmas lights, man.</p><p>I also love Belgium despite some of the political issues.</p> Saladofstones /users/318380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743187 2011-02-23T12:06:34-05:00 2011-02-23T12:06:34-05:00 @RiderFan on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>It also depends on the type of toilet paper. Some rest areas have rather nice quality while others have the near transparent 0.00001 ply.</p> RiderFan /users/51538 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743172 2011-02-23T11:52:08-05:00 2011-02-23T11:52:08-05:00 @rantuyetmai on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Anelaid said:<br>I will say that Belgium has a similar system with requiring to pay for restroom use. The upside is that there is usually a person in or outside the restroom that cleans it after every use so ostensibly you pay for a clean experience. Of course, this being Belgium, anything that isn't nailed down is stolen and anything that is nailed down will be stripped for parts.</p></blockquote><p>I learned something new. Up until now I've thought that the Dutch is more famous for being extremely saving, but I've yet to hear toilet paper stealing.</p> rantuyetmai /users/288549 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743163 2011-02-23T11:44:53-05:00 2011-02-23T11:44:53-05:00 @Saladofstones on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>unicode said:<br>Not exactly stealing. There is NO toilet paper to begin with, in public toilets in China. Either there isn't any at all, or you have to buy it at the door. Many of the toilet themselves have to be paid for, something like 30 cents per use. Most people bring their own toilet paper in bags when they go out.</p> <p>Right now in Beijing there are some parks with free toilet paper, and there are proposals to provide free paper to all toilets in the city. But mind you that is in the capital, and the toilets already with free paper all have a gatekeeper to prevent stealing. China is far from having free toilet paper everywhere.</p> </blockquote><p>I will say that Belgium has a similar system with requiring to pay for restroom use. The upside is that there is usually a person in or outside the restroom that cleans it after every use so ostensibly you pay for a clean experience. Of course, this being Belgium, anything that isn't nailed down is stolen and anything that is nailed down will be stripped for parts.</p> Saladofstones /users/318380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/743158 2011-02-23T11:35:38-05:00 2011-02-23T11:35:38-05:00 @unicode on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>Not exactly stealing. There is NO toilet paper to begin with, in public toilets in China. Either there isn't any at all, or you have to buy it at the door. Many of the toilet themselves have to be paid for, something like 30 cents per use. Most people bring their own toilet paper in bags when they go out.</p><p>Right now in Beijing there are some parks with free toilet paper, and there are proposals to provide free paper to all toilets in the city. But mind you that is in the capital, and the toilets already with free paper all have a gatekeeper to prevent stealing. China is far from having free toilet paper everywhere.</p> unicode /users/62389 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/741723 2011-02-21T16:20:41-05:00 2011-02-21T16:20:41-05:00 @Liacchin on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>ForteGVN said:<br>Uhm any Chinese mind explaining the joke? O_O I don't think people in any country would steal toilet paper...</p></blockquote><p>I'm not Chinese, but I'm from a socialist-minded developing country, and I can testify that, unless you're in a quite fancy facility, public restrooms doen't have toilet paper often, usually because there is no enough money for a constant supply, but also because the patrons waste a lot or just steal it because they can. The reasoning (?) behind this tends to be "Public (and unchained) -&gt; No one truly owns this -&gt; I can take it home -&gt; Lets take it home! *grab*". I wouldn't be surprised that in China a similar reasoning could erupt.</p> Liacchin /users/332313 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/741489 2011-02-21T09:55:05-05:00 2011-02-21T09:55:05-05:00 @ForteGVN on post #779526 (yue and inoue jun'ichi (original) drawn by keuma) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3a/34/3a345486a8e795e0b0c9b60bbc0392b8.jpg"/> <p>Uhm any Chinese mind explaining the joke? O_O I don't think people in any country would steal toilet paper...</p> ForteGVN /users/314340