tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #802026 2010-12-09T20:34:56-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/684410 2010-12-09T20:34:56-05:00 2010-12-09T20:34:56-05:00 @McSpanky on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Levitz9 said:<br>My little sister can't be a kidnapper!</p></blockquote><p>You mean, There is no way my little sister is a kidnapper! Still, nothing has made me laugh as hard as this since <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-post-id-link" href="/posts/649634">post #649634</a></p> McSpanky /users/337381 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/683632 2010-12-09T02:44:14-05:00 2010-12-09T02:44:14-05:00 @Levitz9 on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>My little sister can't be a kidnapper!</p> Levitz9 /users/95002 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/681603 2010-12-06T18:58:44-05:00 2010-12-06T18:58:44-05:00 @T34/38 on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Belfortality said:<br>Maybe Ruri would want to trade her sibling with Kirino's?</p></blockquote><p>You mean swap Kirino's brother for her little sister?</p><p>Anyway... I felt sorry for Kuroneko's imouto... :P</p> T34/38 /users/192921 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/681326 2010-12-06T13:02:24-05:00 2010-12-06T13:02:24-05:00 @Belfortality on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>Maybe Ruri would want to trade her sibling with Kirino's?</p> Belfortality /users/267017 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/681009 2010-12-06T03:34:24-05:00 2010-12-06T03:34:24-05:00 @malus on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>Sorry Kuroneko, that's now Kirino's little sister!</p> malus /users/103993 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/680945 2010-12-06T01:05:55-05:00 2010-12-06T01:05:55-05:00 @Monki on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>I can't believe it took this long for a pic like this to appear. I expected that pixiv would be full of 'taken home!' fanarts within a few hours of ep 9 airing.</p> Monki /users/34945 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/680932 2010-12-06T00:33:07-05:00 2010-12-06T00:33:07-05:00 @pikapika212 on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>HAAUUU! KAWAII!!! OMOCHKAERIIIIIIIII!!!!</p> pikapika212 /users/180848 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/680919 2010-12-05T23:48:31-05:00 2010-12-05T23:48:31-05:00 @sandel-hat on post #802026 (gokou ruri, kousaka kirino, and gokou tamaki (ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai) drawn by pastryfuntube) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/6e/fe6e99d354725ea7b99c36fb5fddeb48.jpg"/> <p>Would not surprise me in the slightest.</p> sandel-hat /users/157955