tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #803929 2013-02-10T10:51:32-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1129852 2013-02-10T10:51:32-05:00 2013-02-10T10:51:32-05:00 @TheEden on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>DarkAngel13 said:<br>Am I the only one who's noticed the mistake in translation? "コスモスのせんせいこうげき" would translate to "Cosmos's preemptive strike!!". Admittedly "sensei" does translate to "teacher" but to translate this as "Teacher Cosmos's attack!!" would require the sentence to be structured like so: "コスモスせんせいのこうげき".</p></blockquote><p>Yea well, I did the translation of the parent post like 3 years ago knowing it wasn't perfect, since I have minor knowledge about Japanese and I'm not a native english speaker, but I tried anyway.</p> TheEden /users/210095 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/793868 2011-05-02T02:28:27-04:00 2011-05-02T02:28:27-04:00 @Algasir on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>DarkAngel13 said:<br>Am I the only one who's noticed the mistake in translation? "コスモスのせんせいこうげき" would translate to "Cosmos's preemptive strike!!". Admittedly "sensei" does translate to "teacher" but to translate this as "Teacher Cosmos's attack!!" would require the sentence to be structured like so: "コスモスせんせいのこうげき".</p></blockquote><p>I knew it didn't make sense, but I don't know enough Japanese to actually fix it. There's a lot of engrish in the translation of this image (though to be fair, the notes were just carried over from the parent post anyway).</p> Algasir /users/23152 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/770424 2011-04-01T14:21:53-04:00 2011-04-01T14:21:53-04:00 @DarkAngel13 on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <p>Am I the only one who's noticed the mistake in translation? "コスモスのせんせいこうげき" would translate to "Cosmos's preemptive strike!!". Admittedly "sensei" does translate to "teacher" but to translate this as "Teacher Cosmos's attack!!" would require the sentence to be structured like so: "コスモスせんせいのこうげき".</p> DarkAngel13 /users/342034 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/734094 2011-02-12T02:11:43-05:00 2011-02-12T02:11:43-05:00 @Jezix on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <p>Tags added. For whatever reason, Bartz wasn't tagged before now... Or should I say Butz. xp</p> Jezix /users/259329 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/686259 2010-12-11T21:59:52-05:00 2010-12-11T21:59:52-05:00 @Smashu on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>KendraKirai said:<br>Question for anybody...why is only FF7, 8, 10, and Dissidia tagged? 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are present too. Is this normal, or did somebody just forget when tagging?</p></blockquote><p>I only followed the tags from the parent.</p> Smashu /users/178937 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/686148 2010-12-11T19:04:41-05:00 2010-12-11T19:04:41-05:00 @AkatsukiKaizoku on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>KendraKirai said:<br>Question for anybody...why is only FF7, 8, 10, and Dissidia tagged? 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are present too. Is this normal, or did somebody just forget when tagging?</p></blockquote><p>I think it should be tagged as dissidia only since they're more directly there than referencing the game, I think let's better leave it to someone that knows better... OH WELL!</p><p>In other topic... Lol Firion</p> AkatsukiKaizoku /users/133077 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/685626 2010-12-11T06:33:33-05:00 2010-12-11T06:33:33-05:00 @KendraKirai on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <p>Question for anybody...why is only FF7, 8, 10, and Dissidia tagged? 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are present too. Is this normal, or did somebody just forget when tagging?</p> KendraKirai /users/105142 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/685536 2010-12-11T04:28:27-05:00 2010-12-11T04:28:27-05:00 @LlednarTwem on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <p>I'm more the honest type.</p> LlednarTwem /users/332106 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/684514 2010-12-09T23:33:13-05:00 2010-12-09T23:33:13-05:00 @GMO on post #803929 (cloud strife, tina branford, zidane tribal, squall leonhart, butz klauser, and 6 more (final fantasy and 10 more) drawn by asu_(asoras)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/63/11/63116a438d801cf6489fb5cea34b64a1.jpg"/> <p>WoL's reaction, so gdlk. LOL</p> GMO /users/261397