tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #839940 2012-11-21T10:46:24-05:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1098913 2012-11-21T10:46:24-05:00 2012-11-21T10:46:24-05:00 @undinehunt24 on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>OH FUND IT NOW!</p> undinehunt24 /users/352125 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/762602 2011-03-21T04:48:21-04:00 2011-03-21T04:48:21-04:00 @jedrick1490 on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>In the thumbnail, the art looks like it's drawn by Satoshi Urushihara for sometime...</p> jedrick1490 /users/183487 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/746603 2011-02-27T16:42:54-05:00 2011-02-27T16:42:54-05:00 @CDub7888 on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>CGrascal said:<br>What is she fighting for!!</p></blockquote><p>Oh, come on. We all saw that one coming. =P</p> CDub7888 /users/118866 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/722792 2011-01-28T17:22:02-05:00 2011-01-28T17:22:02-05:00 @CGrascal on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>What is she fighting for!!</p> CGrascal /users/100223 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/722779 2011-01-28T17:06:09-05:00 2011-01-28T17:06:09-05:00 @NETRUN on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>FUND IT FUND IT NAOW!</p> NETRUN /users/324443 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/722130 2011-01-27T22:03:42-05:00 2011-01-27T22:03:42-05:00 @Comartemis on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>Because this is more awesome than God. And if it were funded, He'd take His ball and go home, leaving the universe to self-destruct beneath the force of Ciel's badassness.</p> Comartemis /users/19717 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/722111 2011-01-27T21:34:51-05:00 2011-01-27T21:34:51-05:00 @darcmistes on post #839940 (ciel and alouette (rockman and 1 more) drawn by sokobe_hiyori) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a3/7c/a37ca512849682ef05011e015c3d33ab.jpg"/> <p>Jesus Arceus! Why hasn't this been funded yet!?</p> darcmistes /users/62826