tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #878629 2017-03-12T10:52:41-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1666599 2017-03-12T10:52:41-04:00 2017-03-12T10:52:41-04:00 @RikoShigeru on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Mithiwithi said:</p> <p>And then she dies immediately before she can become a witch.</p> <p>Never underestimate the power of the Monkey's Paw effect.</p> </blockquote><p>"the Monkey's Paw effect"<br>I am going to use that from now on</p> RikoShigeru /users/429693 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788232 2011-04-25T05:58:08-04:00 2011-04-25T05:58:08-04:00 @Higehigu on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p>moreless what madoka realy wishes, <br>THIS is the true prediction....(just little off from the real one) </p> Higehigu /users/349785 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/761852 2011-03-20T06:27:54-04:00 2011-03-20T06:27:54-04:00 @Yuunagi on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p>Nothing ventured, nothing gained.</p><div class="spoiler"><p>She gets her soul ripped out, <em>and</em> she gets no powers.</p></div> Yuunagi /users/43553 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/761390 2011-03-19T14:04:25-04:00 2011-03-19T14:04:25-04:00 @ackackack on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"><p>I get the feeling this wish would weaken Madoka to the extent of not being able to defeat the Walpurgisnacht...</p></div> ackackack /users/293108 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/761055 2011-03-19T00:59:28-04:00 2011-03-19T00:59:28-04:00 @universalperson on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p>Even the witch is sweatdropping!</p><div class="spoiler"><p>The funny part is I can totally see a wish like this happening</p></div> universalperson /users/174945 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/761040 2011-03-19T00:35:48-04:00 2011-03-19T00:35:48-04:00 @Mithiwithi on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p>And then she dies immediately before she can become a witch.</p><p>Never underestimate the power of the Monkey's Paw effect.</p> Mithiwithi /users/318978 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/761010 2011-03-18T23:15:57-04:00 2011-03-18T23:15:57-04:00 @Zenom on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p>Not thinking about what kind of power she will get this is one hell of a way to end the show.</p> Zenom /users/124873 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/760994 2011-03-18T22:29:58-04:00 2011-03-18T22:29:58-04:00 @Comartemis on post #878629 (akemi homura, kaname madoka, kyubey, and walpurgisnacht (mahou shoujo madoka magica) drawn by feader) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/b6/b4b6dcc6e73776d5a9ea779c69922222.jpg"/> <p><em>IT WAS SO SIMPLE!</em></p> Comartemis /users/19717