tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #900073 2011-10-31T23:23:37-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/912840 2011-10-31T23:23:37-04:00 2011-10-31T23:23:37-04:00 @Nesto on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>dandan said:<br>you forgot the achievement, KERN</p></blockquote><p>I sure showed that pit who's boss &gt;=D</p> Nesto /users/152566 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/829291 2011-06-22T00:07:55-04:00 2011-06-22T00:07:55-04:00 @BCI_Temp on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>Everything Cave Johnson says.<br>EVERYTHING.</p> BCI_Temp /users/162262 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823907 2011-06-14T05:21:58-04:00 2011-06-14T05:21:58-04:00 @XTragicXBeautyX on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>My personal favorite line from this game?</p></blockquote><div class="spoiler"><p>"Look at you, soaring through the air like an eagle... piloting a blimp."</p></div><p>and </p><div class="spoiler"><p>"You look ugly in that jumpsuit. That's not my opinion, it's right here on your fact sheet. They said on everyone else it looked fine but on you it looked hideous. But still what does an old engineer know about fashion. Oh, wait it's a she. Still, what does she know about, oh wait. She has a medical degree. In fashion. From France."</p></div> XTragicXBeautyX /users/115979 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/814003 2011-05-30T13:30:45-04:00 2011-05-30T13:30:45-04:00 @GenerationZero on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>"Ah! Oh, Jerry, you can-NOT- fire me for that!"<br>*gibberish*<br>"Yeah, -or- perhaps you should have made the workplace capable of facilitating a nanobot of my size. Thanks for the hate crime, Jer. See you in court, mate."</p> GenerationZero /users/326430 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/802652 2011-05-13T10:01:46-04:00 2011-05-13T10:01:46-04:00 @Etaoin on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"><p>Dad, I'm in space!<br>I'm proud of you son.<br>Dad, are you space?<br>Yes. Now we are a family again.</p></div> Etaoin /users/323219 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/796948 2011-05-05T23:55:43-04:00 2011-05-05T23:55:43-04:00 @EasilyDelighted on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Some_Twit said:<br><span class="spoiler"><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee.com/%5B/spoiler">http://spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee.com/[/spoiler</a>]<br>[/quote]SERIOUSLY!?SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!</span></p></blockquote> EasilyDelighted /users/336482 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/793815 2011-05-02T00:38:02-04:00 2011-05-02T00:38:02-04:00 @Some_Twit on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"><p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee.com/%5B/spoiler">http://spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee.com/[/spoiler</a>]</p></div> Some_Twit /users/327782 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/791150 2011-04-28T22:08:33-04:00 2011-04-28T22:08:33-04:00 @Mithiwithi on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"> <p>He's not just a moron. He is the product of the greatest minds of a generation coming together for the express purpose of creating the dumbest moron that ever existed. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility.</p> <p>*slow clap*</p> <p>Good, that still works.</p> </div> Mithiwithi /users/318978 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/790143 2011-04-27T15:26:49-04:00 2011-04-27T15:26:49-04:00 @Vetinary on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>This game is so epic I can't stop playing it.I'm dead serious, I'm playing it like 15-th time or something.<br>Nobody can't stand it's epicness.</p> Vetinary /users/344602 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/789507 2011-04-26T19:09:40-04:00 2011-04-26T19:09:40-04:00 @Saphyr on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"><p>SPAAAAAAAACE!!!</p></div> Saphyr /users/335433 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/789272 2011-04-26T14:43:35-04:00 2011-04-26T14:43:35-04:00 @K17U on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>My personal favorite line from this game?</p></blockquote><div class="spoiler"><p>Oh hello, how are you holding up? Because I'm a <em>potato</em>!</p></div><p>That's how I'll greet people from now on.</p> K17U /users/114835 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788910 2011-04-26T01:50:52-04:00 2011-04-26T01:50:52-04:00 @Yami_Inaba on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>My personal favorite line from this game?</p></blockquote><div class="spoiler"><p>AGH AGH BIRD! KILL IT! IT'S EVIL</p></div><p>Must be hard being a Potato...</p> Yami_Inaba /users/135553 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788685 2011-04-25T18:39:30-04:00 2011-04-25T18:39:30-04:00 @LucasHidemiKomori on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>SinfireTitan said:<br>My personal favorite line from this game?</p></blockquote><div class="spoiler"><p>"You know my days used to be like? <br>I just tested.<br>Nobody murdered me,<br>or put me into a potato,<br>or fed me to birds,<br>I had a pretty good life.<br>And then you showed up, you dangerous mute lunatic."</p></div> LucasHidemiKomori /users/327955 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788547 2011-04-25T15:02:37-04:00 2011-04-25T15:02:37-04:00 @Cort321 on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Cave Johnson said:<br><span class="spoiler"> Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!</span></p></blockquote><p>The entire bloody thing was a gem</p> Cort321 /users/75199 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788537 2011-04-25T14:49:33-04:00 2011-04-25T14:49:33-04:00 @JakeBob on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>"Hey, buddy. I am speaking to you in an ACcent that is beYOND her range of HEARing."</p> JakeBob /users/230231 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788433 2011-04-25T12:13:46-04:00 2011-04-25T12:13:46-04:00 @Mulambo on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>I haven't liked a game so much since Homeworld (1, not 2). And I cried very un-manly tears at the end. Valve, you did well.</p><blockquote><p>K-E-R-N said:<br><span class="spoiler"><br>GLaDOS : Well, this is the part where he kills us.Wheatly : Hello, this is the part where i kill you!Chapter 9 : The Part Where He Kills You<br></span></p></blockquote><div class="spoiler"><p>This is that part</p></div> Mulambo /users/330493 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788134 2011-04-25T01:44:27-04:00 2011-04-25T01:44:27-04:00 @JakeBob on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Lexes said:<br>THIS. SENTENCE. IS. FALSE!</p> <p>Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it.</p> </blockquote><p>Uhhhh, true. I'll go true.</p> JakeBob /users/230231 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/788130 2011-04-25T01:33:12-04:00 2011-04-25T01:33:12-04:00 @Lexes on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>THIS. SENTENCE. IS. FALSE!</p><p>Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it,Dont think about it.</p> Lexes /users/337317 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/787873 2011-04-24T19:15:20-04:00 2011-04-24T19:15:20-04:00 @dandan on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <p>you forgot the achievement, KERN</p> dandan /users/99269 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/787870 2011-04-24T19:10:54-04:00 2011-04-24T19:10:54-04:00 @K-E-R-N on post #900073 (chell and glados (portal and 2 more) drawn by kopfstoff) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/b4/38b41ba7b501d1469921c0c49b2ebc77.jpg"/> <div class="spoiler"> <p>GLaDOS : Well, this is the part where he kills us.</p> <p>Wheatly : Hello, this is the part where i kill you!</p> <p>Chapter 9 : The Part Where He Kills You</p> </div> K-E-R-N /users/249486