tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #909912 2012-07-20T23:31:46-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1047631 2012-07-20T23:31:46-04:00 2012-07-20T23:31:46-04:00 @VocaUtau on post #909912 (haruka, lucario, pichu, mewtwo, zorua, and 27 more (pokemon and 18 more) drawn by kabocha_torute) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e9/12/e9123a22fed7477141af6963df067f77.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>MisterSolitaire said:<br>Pokémon 2000 was the best one I hope you guys all know that.</p></blockquote><p>Definitely. I still have the VHS tape of it.</p> VocaUtau /users/267872 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/796086 2011-05-04T21:27:38-04:00 2011-05-04T21:27:38-04:00 @Farran on post #909912 (haruka, lucario, pichu, mewtwo, zorua, and 27 more (pokemon and 18 more) drawn by kabocha_torute) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e9/12/e9123a22fed7477141af6963df067f77.jpg"/> <p>The ones with Entei and Lati@s will always be the ones I remember, though I give props to the first movie for making me cry manly tears for the first time ever over a show aimed at kids.</p> Farran /users/189477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/796083 2011-05-04T21:24:54-04:00 2011-05-04T21:24:54-04:00 @MisterSolitaire on post #909912 (haruka, lucario, pichu, mewtwo, zorua, and 27 more (pokemon and 18 more) drawn by kabocha_torute) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e9/12/e9123a22fed7477141af6963df067f77.jpg"/> <p>Pokémon 2000 was the best one I hope you guys all know that.</p> MisterSolitaire /users/216267 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/796043 2011-05-04T20:25:38-04:00 2011-05-04T20:25:38-04:00 @Neuro39 on post #909912 (haruka, lucario, pichu, mewtwo, zorua, and 27 more (pokemon and 18 more) drawn by kabocha_torute) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e9/12/e9123a22fed7477141af6963df067f77.jpg"/> <p>Considering the events that happened in the movies, this can be heartwarming or heartbreaking depending on how you look at it</p> Neuro39 /users/303208 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/795039 2011-05-03T15:03:23-04:00 2011-05-03T15:03:23-04:00 @kodomonojikan on post #909912 (haruka, lucario, pichu, mewtwo, zorua, and 27 more (pokemon and 18 more) drawn by kabocha_torute) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e9/12/e9123a22fed7477141af6963df067f77.jpg"/> <p>its amazing how far this franchize has come... i hope it keeps going</p> kodomonojikan /users/109584