tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #934310 2011-07-16T03:58:30-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/844519 2011-07-16T03:58:30-04:00 2011-07-16T03:58:30-04:00 @Meso'ed on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Izkael said:<br>wouldn't that be just 3-up?</p></blockquote><p>Something like that.</p> Meso'ed /users/342742 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823359 2011-06-13T10:15:25-04:00 2011-06-13T10:15:25-04:00 @Izkael on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Meso'ed said:<br>Patchi's chair reminds me of the triple 1-up from one of the Mario games.</p></blockquote><p>wouldn't that be just 3-up?</p> Izkael /users/336621 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823315 2011-06-13T08:05:24-04:00 2011-06-13T08:05:24-04:00 @blasterboy on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>Hmm...looking at the Famicom, the moon might be based on the Super Mario 3Up.</p> blasterboy /users/90665 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823305 2011-06-13T07:55:30-04:00 2011-06-13T07:55:30-04:00 @Pywackett-Barchetta on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>Tempted to put this in the "Soft and Comfy" pool. Do want. Nitori Electronics and Ikea, together at last.</p> Pywackett-Barchetta /users/338432 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823253 2011-06-13T06:10:49-04:00 2011-06-13T06:10:49-04:00 @pt_kamen on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>the controller might be to move the chair and to turn on and off the light. Levitation might be included, to reach the books at the top.</p> pt_kamen /users/25519 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823249 2011-06-13T06:08:28-04:00 2011-06-13T06:08:28-04:00 @glasnost on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>And Meiling and Flandre picking out a book for story time in the background. This is just all-around adorable.</p> glasnost /users/60288 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823160 2011-06-13T02:48:14-04:00 2011-06-13T02:48:14-04:00 @user_170235 on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>A comfy-looking rocking chair with built-in lamp and videogames. Fund it!</p> user_170235 /users/170235 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823155 2011-06-13T02:41:15-04:00 2011-06-13T02:41:15-04:00 @Number_One_Noob on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>OH GOD! It's the dream chair for NEETs! DO WANT!</p> Number_One_Noob /users/353136 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823097 2011-06-13T00:12:54-04:00 2011-06-13T00:12:54-04:00 @Meso'ed on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>Patchi's chair reminds me of the triple 1-up from one of the Mario games.</p> Meso'ed /users/342742 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/823000 2011-06-12T21:13:27-04:00 2011-06-12T21:13:27-04:00 @HimuraK24 on post #934310 (flandre scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hong meiling, kawashiro nitori, and koakuma (touhou) drawn by maru_take) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/eb/18/eb1887ce83c6985d7a6ff1c8668404e2.jpg"/> <p>Nitori Electronics at its best!</p> HimuraK24 /users/340506