tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on post #956656 2011-07-19T10:52:54-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846728 2011-07-19T10:52:54-04:00 2011-07-19T10:52:54-04:00 @FinderX on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Marisa: Iku's new Challenger!</p> FinderX /users/334419 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846656 2011-07-19T07:39:09-04:00 2011-07-19T07:39:09-04:00 @randomness on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Andulusi said:<br>What I'm learning from this fight is that anything Remilia ever damages will harm her. I have a mental image of her accidentally dropping a teacup, and it lands on the ground and shatters, revealing a rocket-powered silver knife that launches itself into her thigh.</p></blockquote><p>That is a fairly awesome mental image.</p> randomness /users/121518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846637 2011-07-19T07:07:29-04:00 2011-07-19T07:07:29-04:00 @Mr.Obake on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Seika said:<br> But gyoza actually had nothing to do with it.</p></blockquote><p>It's for the fight more likely.</p><p>After you have some, don't ever go meet someone important after without having few mint candy first. </p><p>Your breath. 'Garlic dragon' breath.</p> Mr.Obake /users/272198 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846632 2011-07-19T06:59:13-04:00 2011-07-19T06:59:13-04:00 @angrybull on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>After translation: </p><p>Shinki's definitely going to snap. Shirou must be tired of this series and is going to go with the "everyone dies" ending. </p> angrybull /users/101593 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846425 2011-07-18T21:08:46-04:00 2011-07-18T21:08:46-04:00 @Seika on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>civilianscoot said:<br>God speed translators.</p> <p>And... what is Marisa eating?</p> </blockquote><p>Gyoza, typically laced with garlics.</p><p>Byakuren’s comment is that Marisa made her body strong enough to hold the Hakkero, probably with Byakuren's superhuman technique. But gyoza actually had nothing to do with it.</p> Seika /users/21073 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846385 2011-07-18T19:49:52-04:00 2011-07-18T19:49:52-04:00 @shadowbringer on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Remilia will need to parry all the dust now..</p><p>also, Super Marisa go!</p> shadowbringer /users/81508 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846372 2011-07-18T19:36:08-04:00 2011-07-18T19:36:08-04:00 @SpecterVonBaren on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Zaku_Zelo said:<br>I love Marisa's outfit more and more with each comic.</p></blockquote><p>Yeah, it isn't super revealing or super stylized but it's got a class to it.</p> SpecterVonBaren /users/100931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846305 2011-07-18T17:48:04-04:00 2011-07-18T17:48:04-04:00 @Zaku_Zelo on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>I love Marisa's outfit more and more with each comic.</p> Zaku_Zelo /users/132448 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846288 2011-07-18T17:23:31-04:00 2011-07-18T17:23:31-04:00 @SpecterVonBaren on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>StriderTuna said:<br>Byakuren looks worried about things. Shinki on the other hand looks ready to snap like Remilia did earlier.</p> <p>Dat ass.jpg</p> </blockquote><p>Looks contemplative to me. Like she's talking about how the thing they put in Marissa works.</p> SpecterVonBaren /users/100931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846196 2011-07-18T14:36:14-04:00 2011-07-18T14:36:14-04:00 @Andulusi on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>What I'm learning from this fight is that anything Remilia ever damages will harm her. I have a mental image of her accidentally dropping a teacup, and it lands on the ground and shatters, revealing a rocket-powered silver knife that launches itself into her thigh.</p><blockquote><p>StriderTuna said:<br>Byakuren looks worried about things.</p></blockquote><p>I want this to be because she's just realized that Mima is not a nice person, a realization which puts what she knows about the plan in a drastically different light.</p> Andulusi /users/109876 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846156 2011-07-18T13:38:40-04:00 2011-07-18T13:38:40-04:00 @The_Shadow on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Repowering is one thing but I wonder if her bones will have been mended. </p> The_Shadow /users/119585 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846145 2011-07-18T13:20:55-04:00 2011-07-18T13:20:55-04:00 @Ferrinic on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>If those are the garlic cloves now only the handcuffs are left. I wonder how the fight will go once all the chekhov's guns have been used.</p> Ferrinic /users/124410 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846138 2011-07-18T13:02:27-04:00 2011-07-18T13:02:27-04:00 @SpecterVonBaren on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>And now the garlic cloves are getting used. Garlic gives you POWER! And garlic breath. Prepare to get breathed on, Remilia.</p><p>Oh and, obligatory phrase for the third panel.</p><p>THIS WITCH SHALL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!!!</p> SpecterVonBaren /users/100931 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846130 2011-07-18T12:38:51-04:00 2011-07-18T12:38:51-04:00 @zanon on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>angrybull said:<br>Before Translation: </p> <p>Is Shinki about to snap? </p> </blockquote><p>The bit of text next to her is "Alice-chan is..." or maybe "About Alice-chan" I think, using the particle "ga", so maybe she's just really worried about the state of Alice in that cloud. Or maybe she's surprised Alice would use that, not sure. I am still a total beginner and the hand written stuff is really hard for me, particularly kanji, so I can only roughly get the context of whatever Byakuren and Mima are saying. Looking forward to the real translation :).</p> zanon /users/262880 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846047 2011-07-18T09:32:21-04:00 2011-07-18T09:32:21-04:00 @StriderTuna on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Byakuren looks worried about things. Shinki on the other hand looks ready to snap like Remilia did earlier.</p><p>Dat ass.jpg</p> StriderTuna /users/44860 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846046 2011-07-18T09:31:04-04:00 2011-07-18T09:31:04-04:00 @cd_young on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>angrybull said:<br>Before Translation: </p> <p>Is Shinki about to snap? </p> </blockquote><p>Remelia was attacking her beloved daughter, any mother would be angry</p> cd_young /users/113971 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846044 2011-07-18T09:28:38-04:00 2011-07-18T09:28:38-04:00 @Raigeki on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Did Marisa just recharge her implanted hakkero? If so, those must be some mushrooms. Also, Shinki looks like she's about to kill someone.</p> Raigeki /users/351165 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846016 2011-07-18T08:58:34-04:00 2011-07-18T08:58:34-04:00 @user_344138 on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>angrybull said:<br>Before Translation: </p> <p>Is Shinki about to snap? </p> </blockquote><p>It's seems like Marisa and Mima have been manipulating everyone.</p> user_344138 /users/344138 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846008 2011-07-18T08:48:34-04:00 2011-07-18T08:48:34-04:00 @angrybull on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Before Translation: </p><p>Is Shinki about to snap? </p> angrybull /users/101593 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/846007 2011-07-18T08:47:11-04:00 2011-07-18T08:47:11-04:00 @raitie2000 on post #956656 (kirisame marisa, remilia scarlet, patchouli knowledge, hijiri byakuren, shinki, and 1 more (touhou and 1 more) drawn by dei_shirou) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ce/b9/ceb990c668c6163a5cf6f2ebae81fcb2.jpg"/> <p>Dat ass</p> raitie2000 /users/352741