tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on commenter:Inarticulate 2019-10-08T21:43:54-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1953418 2019-10-08T21:43:54-04:00 2019-10-08T21:43:54-04:00 @user_472817 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>iridescent_slime said:</p> <p><a href="/users?name=Deygotwingsnow">@Deygotwingsnow</a> It's time for you to drop this silliness. The matter in <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-forum-topic-id-link" href="/forum_topics/16299">topic #16299</a> has already been settled; the character here is clearly a reference to Sadako, so the tag stays. Continuing this stupid edit war of yours is only going to get you banned for tag vandalism.</p> </blockquote><p>Let them ban me. Until they do, I'll keep going. I'm doing this for nobody else but myself, and it's been that way since the start. Hell, in any other circumstance, I would most likely even agree with the verdict, that the tag should stay. But the moment a mod pulls the "I'm a mod so I'm automatically correct, respect my authority or be banned" shit, he becomes my personal enemy no matter how right he actually is. </p><p>I've seen mod power abuse on this site far more than this single instance. The last time I called one out over it, I was told to "Just go somewhere else if you don't like it here". That's exactly what I've been doing. This is nothing other than my personal little "fuck you" to the entire danbooru moderation team. I've decided to die on this hill despite it being so irrational and insignificant. Come get me. </p> user_472817 /users/472817 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1953417 2019-10-08T21:42:58-04:00 2019-10-08T21:43:38-04:00 @user_472817 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=iridescent">@iridescent</a> slime<br>Let them ban me. Until they do, I'll keep going. I'm doing this for nobody else but myself, and it's been that way since the start. Hell, in any other circumstance, I would most likely even agree with the verdict, that the tag should stay. But the moment a mod pulls the "I'm a mod so I'm automatically correct, respect my authority or be banned" shit, he becomes my personal enemy no matter how right he actually is. </p><p>I've seen mod power abuse on this site far more than this single instance. The last time I called one out over it, I was told to "Just go somewhere else if you don't like it here". That's exactly what I've been doing. This is nothing other than my personal little "fuck you" to the entire danbooru moderation team. I've decided to die on this hill despite it being so irrational and insignificant. Come get me. </p> user_472817 /users/472817 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1953252 2019-10-08T05:37:27-04:00 2019-10-08T05:37:27-04:00 @iridescent_slime on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=Deygotwingsnow">@Deygotwingsnow</a> It's time for you to drop this silliness. The matter in <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-forum-topic-id-link" href="/forum_topics/16299">topic #16299</a> has already been settled; the character here is clearly a reference to Sadako, so the tag stays. Continuing this stupid edit war of yours is only going to get you banned for tag vandalism.</p> iridescent_slime /users/438068 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1945225 2019-09-03T23:45:49-04:00 2019-09-03T23:45:49-04:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=Deygotwingsnow">@Deygotwingsnow</a> &amp; <a href="/users?name=FloppyCat">@FloppyCat</a>: You could also throw your two cents in <a class="dtext-link" href="/forum_topics/16299">this forum topic</a> revolving around this very same issue.</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1945014 2019-09-02T23:04:28-04:00 2019-09-02T23:04:28-04:00 @FloppyCat on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Gonna throw my hat in the ring against the mod here as well, chill out. The guy gave you legit multi paragraphs about his reasoning and actions and you reply with nothing more then "Respect muh authority! I'm important!" With the cherry on top of threatening to ban him. Good Lord. </p> FloppyCat /users/568295 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1943481 2019-08-27T14:08:17-04:00 2019-08-27T14:08:17-04:00 @user_472817 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Ladies and gentlemen, here we see a power tripping Danbooru mod in his natural habitat. That is to say, behind a computer screen in its smelly apartment with months-old dirty clothes, takeout boxes, and Mountain Dew bottles littering the floor. This creature and its kind does not believe that it could ever be wrong, and becomes increasingly agitated when this reality is questioned. How it has evolved to become this way over the millennia is indeed a question for the ages. </p><p>Go ahead and ban me if you want, you pathetic fuck. </p> user_472817 /users/472817 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1942771 2019-08-24T20:32:58-04:00 2019-08-24T20:32:58-04:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link" href="/forum_topics/16299">Topic created</a>.</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941771 2019-08-20T18:36:05-04:00 2019-08-20T18:36:05-04:00 @KuugaAgitoRyukiFaiz on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Arcana55 said:</p> <p>NTR is bad civilization!</p> </blockquote><p>it is very bad civilization we must thank altera for sharing this knowledge with us</p> KuugaAgitoRyukiFaiz /users/575652 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941534 2019-08-19T18:49:47-04:00 2019-08-19T18:49:47-04:00 @K9Thefirst1 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPPpfD5ArQA">What I hear when I see that face.</a></p> K9Thefirst1 /users/380805 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941172 2019-08-18T12:28:40-04:00 2019-08-18T12:28:40-04:00 @Gollgagh on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Not to toot my own horn here or anything, but this is why I changed the color for modposts in <a class="dtext-link dtext-id-link dtext-forum-topic-id-link" href="/forum_topics/9588">topic #9588</a> to a bright red.</p><p>Also, high contrasting colors for different user classes.</p> Gollgagh /users/214837 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941162 2019-08-18T11:38:18-04:00 2019-08-18T11:41:39-04:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Glad to see I'm not alone in this. Seriously, why pale <strong>blue</strong>? Why not <strong>red</strong> or <strong>yellow</strong>, or even <strong>green</strong>? Those would almost certainly stand out better against a white background, even if they're a pale shade.</p><p>PS: For those wondering, I've been struggling with an unexpected onset of excruciating neck and shoulder cramps over the past couple of days (could barely move my head in any direction at the worst of it!), hence why I have yet to make good on taking the issue to the forum. I've gotten significantly better today, though.</p><blockquote> <p>rom_collector said:</p> <p>Playing color blind now? It's really notorious specially when you scroll through comments. A black border like the quote blocks wouldn't hurt though.</p> </blockquote><p>I'll be frank, I strained through my memory and could vaguely remember seeing this absurdly pale blue shading on Danbooru posts before, but on only comments where I had been name-mentioned in a completely ordinary context (which naturally would send me a notification alerting me to this), so my thought process at the time went "Oh, this shading is supposed to highlight the comment whose link I clicked in the notification message. Odd that it's so pale, though; I was lucky to have even noticed it." Of course, given how rare I get name-mentioned, I soon forgot about it entirely.</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941058 2019-08-18T02:18:59-04:00 2019-08-18T02:18:59-04:00 @ithekro on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>I didn't notice it until it was pointed out either.</p> ithekro /users/372491 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941044 2019-08-18T01:12:46-04:00 2019-08-18T01:12:46-04:00 @X-Sam on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>rom_collector said:</p> <p>Playing color blind now? It's really notorious specially when you scroll through comments. A black border like the quote blocks wouldn't hurt though.</p> </blockquote><p>Nah, I don't see shit either. Looks white to me.</p> X-Sam /users/443388 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1941043 2019-08-18T01:08:02-04:00 2019-08-18T01:08:02-04:00 @rom_collector on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Playing color blind now? It's really notorious specially when you scroll through comments. A black border like the quote blocks wouldn't hurt though.</p> rom_collector /users/223894 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940612 2019-08-16T13:04:01-04:00 2019-08-16T13:08:16-04:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>DreamFromTheLayer said:</p> <p>There's actually an option in the advanced user settings that changes the colors of usernames for you</p> </blockquote><p>I did not know about that - or maybe I glossed over it for some reason on the few times that I ever saw a reason to look at the settings pages. &lt;changes the option to "yes"&gt; Well, how about that? Now this is far better!</p><blockquote> <p>rom_collector said:</p> <p>Since when normal posters have blue backgrounds in their comments? It's pretty obvious he/she is a moderator.</p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>Saladofstones said:</p> <p>I mean there is the custom CSS style set up under advanced options. In addition, posts with a blue background are mod+ posts that generally mean that what the person is saying is important.</p> <p>So I say the onus is on you to be sure you know who you are talking to.</p> </blockquote><p>What blue backgrou-- &lt;looks at the posts in question&gt;</p><p>... Alright, who in their right mind chose a shade of blue so pale that it practically blends into the white background of the page so well that I didn't even notice it was there until you guys pointed it out?!</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940449 2019-08-15T22:01:58-04:00 2019-08-15T22:01:58-04:00 @Saladofstones on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MarqFJA87 said:</p> <p>... How was I supposed to know that <strong>you</strong> are a mod rather than a normal poster as I originally believed? It's not like there's anything that distinguishes either one in the comment section. Am I supposed to check <strong>every</strong> single unfamiliar commenter's profile before I respond to them?</p> <p>And yes, I will bring this up in the forum. This issue deserves more feedback.</p> </blockquote><p>I mean there is the custom CSS style set up under advanced options. In addition, posts with a blue background are mod+ posts that generally mean that what the person is saying is important.</p><p>So I say the onus is on you to be sure you know who you are talking to.</p> Saladofstones /users/318380 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940446 2019-08-15T21:57:05-04:00 2019-08-15T21:57:05-04:00 @rom_collector on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p>Since when normal posters have blue backgrounds in their comments? It's pretty obvious he/she is a moderator.</p> rom_collector /users/223894 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940443 2019-08-15T21:52:00-04:00 2019-08-15T21:52:00-04:00 @DreamFromTheLayer on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MarqFJA87 said:</p> <p>... How was I supposed to know that <strong>you</strong> are a mod rather than a normal poster </p> </blockquote><p>There's actually an option in the advanced user settings that changes the colors of usernames for you</p> DreamFromTheLayer /users/547400 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940437 2019-08-15T21:28:35-04:00 2019-08-15T21:31:24-04:00 @MarqFJA87 on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p><a href="/users?name=Hillside_Moose">@Hillside_Moose</a> said:</p> <p>I didn't know this "senior poster" outranked a mod. I even kept your new tag on as a compromise, but for you to go and revert my edits is something else entirely.</p> <p>If you feel that strongly about Sada-chan being an OC-do-not-steal, then bring it up in the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="/forum_topics">forum</a>. Change the tags again, you're getting a ban.</p> </blockquote><p>... How was I supposed to know that <strong>you</strong> are a mod rather than a normal poster as I originally believed? It's not like there's anything that distinguishes either one in the comment section. Am I supposed to check <strong>every</strong> single unfamiliar commenter's profile before I respond to them?</p><p>And yes, I will bring this up in the forum. This issue deserves more feedback.</p> MarqFJA87 /users/347755 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1940435 2019-08-15T21:24:27-04:00 2019-08-15T21:24:27-04:00 @Hillside_Moose on post #3573990 (yamamura sadako, cheer-chan, and sada-chan (getsuyoubi no tawawa and 1 more) drawn by himura_kiseki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/e0/9e/e09ec496f2ed180b06cf108aabfbd2f0.jpg"/> <p><a href="/users?name=MarqFJA87">@MarqFJA87</a> </p><blockquote> <p>4. Note how you're only one of two people who ever took issue with my creation and implementation of the tag; a lot of people commented on the most recent Sada-chan post, and yet none of them even batted an eye. I even asked a "senior" poster to give me their feedback regarding the newly created tag (among polishing up other Tawawa tags), and they told me there's no problem...</p> <p>...Come back to me when that gets implemented before trying to convince me that I'm doing something wrong.</p> </blockquote><p>I didn't know this "senior poster" outranked a mod. I even kept your new tag on as a compromise, but for you to go and revert my edits is something else entirely.</p><p>If you feel that strongly about Sada-chan being an OC-do-not-steal, then bring it up in the <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="/forum_topics">forum</a>. Change the tags again, you're getting a ban.</p> Hillside_Moose /users/85307