tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on commenter:MegurineLuka 2019-09-02T01:05:09-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1944763 2019-09-02T01:05:09-04:00 2019-09-02T01:05:09-04:00 @Kevin.M on post #374984 (imperial guard (warhammer 40k) drawn by circle_a) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/74/68/74681f963b53a107563728922a92fe91.jpg"/> <p>I'm still confused about the weapon she's holding... I mean, the muzzle suggests it's a lasgun, but why is there an ammo belt hanging from it?</p> Kevin.M /users/578791 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1838437 2018-07-28T21:07:05-04:00 2018-07-28T21:07:20-04:00 @Meddy-san on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Jesse Owens said:</p> <p>It was bad enough to have toppled from the Olympic heights to make my living competing with animals. But the competition wasn't even fair. No man could beat a race horse, not even for 100 yards.<br>The secret is, first, get a thoroughbred horse because they are the most nervous animals on earth. Then get the biggest gun you can find and make sure the starter fires that big gun right by the nervous thoroughbred's ear.</p> </blockquote> Meddy-san /users/359865 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1781182 2018-01-09T05:35:25-05:00 2018-01-09T05:35:25-05:00 @lordofmoo96 on post #643584 (adeptus astartes, tyranid, and ultramarines (warhammer 40k) drawn by butcherboy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/9f/b49f4523468b79bf601b69f986e9703b.jpg"/> <p>And that boys and girls is how you get Gene stealers.</p> lordofmoo96 /users/478004 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1748263 2017-10-01T06:29:21-04:00 2017-10-01T06:29:21-04:00 @Sol_Niceguy on post #662875 (kikuchi makoto and akizuki ryou (idolmaster and 2 more) drawn by sugar_(sugarless)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/30/0b/300bb09f3cfd4c7a63658750852bae6c.jpg"/> <p>You thought it's a straight couple? Too bad! It's a trap with a reverse tr- oh wait.</p> Sol_Niceguy /users/497810 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1660449 2017-02-24T01:11:45-05:00 2017-02-24T01:11:45-05:00 @OOZ662 on post #722960 (girl with golden shoe and silver shoe (original and 1 more) drawn by honihoni) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6b/b8/6bb894d37d6e6e1904bb0ae6b0a8f362.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>aorza said:</p> <p>nothing is sacred when it comes to pixiv.</p> </blockquote><p>As long as it's censored.</p> OOZ662 /users/332700 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1660419 2017-02-23T23:29:02-05:00 2017-02-23T23:29:02-05:00 @aorza on post #722960 (girl with golden shoe and silver shoe (original and 1 more) drawn by honihoni) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/6b/b8/6bb894d37d6e6e1904bb0ae6b0a8f362.jpg"/> <p>nothing is sacred when it comes to pixiv.</p> aorza /users/495175 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1499971 2016-02-07T19:18:09-05:00 2016-02-07T19:18:09-05:00 @fuzzygnome on post #37565 (pikachu and uzumaki naruto (pokemon and 2 more) ) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/db/1c/db1c20d3cfd6f02b1a6743e39c3fd520.jpg"/> <p>Pikachuto.</p> fuzzygnome /users/384355 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1492412 2016-01-18T15:01:51-05:00 2016-01-18T15:01:51-05:00 @mastersam on post #565698 (rydia, buddha, leviathan, and asura (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by takeda_kanryuusai) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a8/6d/a86dc8938cdcb4d1eb50b59c1cc5cc32.jpg"/> <p>I really wish there was more of Asura. Something like Rydia growing up and dealing with the awkwardness of crushing on her holy-war-goddess-eidolon-queen-foster-mom would be fun, and besides, Asura has more hands with which to comfort such a cute thing.</p> mastersam /users/325963 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1450098 2015-09-25T04:34:04-04:00 2015-09-25T04:34:04-04:00 @BootyCommadant on post #643584 (adeptus astartes, tyranid, and ultramarines (warhammer 40k) drawn by butcherboy) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/b4/9f/b49f4523468b79bf601b69f986e9703b.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MegurineLuka said:</p> <p>This is exactly what my Nids did to the Ultramarines yesterday. ALL FOR THE HIVE MIND!</p> </blockquote><p>Its what the Nids did when they first got introduced. The Ultrmarines got fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up by Hive Fleet Behemoth.</p> BootyCommadant /users/465992 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1395108 2015-05-11T15:31:56-04:00 2015-05-11T15:31:56-04:00 @e22big on post #789754 (emperor of mankind (warhammer 40k) drawn by cross_(guncross)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/80/00/80008ba60f8f848822fb346ec753d445.jpg"/> <p>The 4 faces emperor - anyone else notice that?</p> e22big /users/357243 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1384266 2015-04-17T01:25:05-04:00 2015-04-17T01:25:05-04:00 @The_lastSoldier90 on post #577068 (witch and moustachio (left 4 dead and 1 more) drawn by g-room_honten) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/40/c1/40c18b736da7c523b81cb8ef222e5a91.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>MegurineLuka said:</p> <p> <br>Try playing Sugar Mill with surround sound. It's fcking mind-raep. &gt;_&lt; The screams, they come from EVERYWHERE! And the music, oh god the music *still has nightmares*</p> </blockquote><p>the music plus the cries!! that will always haunt<br>my nightmares T-T i HATE that sob story achievement <br>nearly had it one time....damn bots</p> The_lastSoldier90 /users/450031 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1337289 2014-12-18T12:39:13-05:00 2014-12-18T12:39:13-05:00 @Demundo on post #1083892 (narikin (street fighter and 2 more) drawn by k-suwabe) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/df/0c/df0c66e82ce05c9ae84c954e70961b48.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>Moonspeaker said:</p></blockquote><p>There was a similar incident in Vietnam back in about the same time as the incident you talked about too. But here it's a ring and the man just burn one after another, this time, one 100$ bill after another without saying a word to find the ring for his lover. And in the end they did find it though. </p><p>It's similar so I just wanted to share it here. </p> Demundo /users/423018 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1294467 2014-08-13T03:15:10-04:00 2014-08-13T03:15:10-04:00 @jackie_v138 on post #796029 (witch (left 4 dead) drawn by tcun) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/cb/b9/cbb9fae9779b3f0aee9aff5e916383ec.jpg"/> <p>Trick or Treat!</p> jackie_v138 /users/412290 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1293655 2014-08-10T20:14:31-04:00 2014-08-10T20:14:31-04:00 @YamCakes on post #731938 (akiyama mio, nakano azusa, hirasawa yui, tainaka ritsu, kotobuki tsumugi, and 1 more (k-on!) drawn by minarei) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/99/f8/99f8b398b46553cb3950dd98b5317d58.jpg"/> <p>Lol Yui and Ritsu are total bros.</p> YamCakes /users/436469 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1289243 2014-07-29T16:20:59-04:00 2014-07-29T16:21:32-04:00 @Shinjidude on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Shi-an said:</p> <p>The main idea was that six-limbed animals survived while four-armed ones didn't, and the middle set of arms evolved into the Centaur's front legs, the wings of some of the other races, or the middle flippers of mermaid-esque humans.</p> </blockquote><p>That 6-limb evolution idea was also explored in Avatar, where almost everything is a hexaped of sorts except perhaps glaringly, the humanoids.</p> Shinjidude /users/1002 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1284372 2014-07-15T09:03:19-04:00 2014-07-15T09:03:19-04:00 @L_of_Shame on post #646742 (samus aran and gordon freeman (metroid and 2 more) drawn by slipgatecentral) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/ea/10/ea105420effc73a513004bc791ca8ba7.jpg"/> <p>The person who drew this must really hate Metroid Prime 3, must really wish it were on the computer with unintuitive mouse movements and good ol' one-dimensional WASD...</p><p>Fuck that shit. Metroid isn't multiplayer, so there is no upper hand to be gained by having the more twitchy mouse reflexes to unrealistically scan your 360 in the time it takes an electron to revolve around an atomic nucleus. Second, not only were Retro dealing with a system with only one joystick, they wanted to innovate and try something new and different. Sometimes it takes a second to turn around, but if it does, so what? Screw attack or Morph ball to a safer place if you're being ambushed! Also, in an explorative title like this, controllable movement speed in any direction is a must (I realize half life originally on the PC didn't have this, but it made do as a more by-the-numbers sci-fi shooter.) being able to make precise and extrapolated jumps and movements... I shiver trying to imagine pulling off those morph ball puzzles with keys.</p><p>Yadda yadda. I just hate to pretentious people who make fun of one of the most intuitive uses of motion control, or rather, of pointing an infrared laser at the screen in this case. I also dislike pretentious people who think that mouse and keys are penultimate just because they are better for twitchy online FPS matches or RTS games or God games.</p> L_of_Shame /users/364853 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1273856 2014-06-14T18:07:17-04:00 2019-10-06T15:19:18-04:00 @RaisingK on post #691965 ( drawn by miyuki_(nekomimi)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/40/ee/40eeef6587016e97bb635d787c649943.jpg"/> <p>unused_deleted_comment</p> RaisingK /users/13506 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1260447 2014-05-01T11:38:52-04:00 2014-05-01T11:38:52-04:00 @Shi-an on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>There's actually a Manga called セントールの悩み (A Centaur's Worries) where the idea is explored.</p><p>Inbetween stories there's some lore about how evolution lead to centaurs and other perculiar humanoids (from our point of view). The main idea was that six-limbed animals survived while four-armed ones didn't, and the middle set of arms evolved into the Centaur's front legs, the wings of some of the other races, or the middle flippers of mermaid-esque humans.</p><p>There was a lot of kanji so I didn't understand a lot of it, but if it's translated somewhere might be worth looking up, for anyone who wants some further reading.</p> Shi-an /users/321963 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1252015 2014-04-02T16:23:19-04:00 2014-04-02T16:23:19-04:00 @FWP on post #743326 (chaos and slaanesh (warhammer 40k) drawn by genzoman) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a9/ce/a9ce0ec86767c356918dac799cab03f4.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Xhydralisk said:</p> <p>You shouldn't ever want. Anything else is HERESY.</p> </blockquote><p>Delicious Here-<br>*is blammed*</p> FWP /users/381608 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1252013 2014-04-02T16:16:15-04:00 2014-04-02T16:16:15-04:00 @Xhydralisk on post #743326 (chaos and slaanesh (warhammer 40k) drawn by genzoman) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a9/ce/a9ce0ec86767c356918dac799cab03f4.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>darkspire91 said:</p> <p>Not sure if want. =/</p> </blockquote><p>You shouldn't ever want. Anything else is HERESY.</p> Xhydralisk /users/314475