tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on commenter:yoshi-kun 2018-07-28T21:07:20-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1838437 2018-07-28T21:07:05-04:00 2018-07-28T21:07:20-04:00 @Meddy-san on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Jesse Owens said:</p> <p>It was bad enough to have toppled from the Olympic heights to make my living competing with animals. But the competition wasn't even fair. No man could beat a race horse, not even for 100 yards.<br>The secret is, first, get a thoroughbred horse because they are the most nervous animals on earth. Then get the biggest gun you can find and make sure the starter fires that big gun right by the nervous thoroughbred's ear.</p> </blockquote> Meddy-san /users/359865 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1289243 2014-07-29T16:20:59-04:00 2014-07-29T16:21:32-04:00 @Shinjidude on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>Shi-an said:</p> <p>The main idea was that six-limbed animals survived while four-armed ones didn't, and the middle set of arms evolved into the Centaur's front legs, the wings of some of the other races, or the middle flippers of mermaid-esque humans.</p> </blockquote><p>That 6-limb evolution idea was also explored in Avatar, where almost everything is a hexaped of sorts except perhaps glaringly, the humanoids.</p> Shinjidude /users/1002 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1260447 2014-05-01T11:38:52-04:00 2014-05-01T11:38:52-04:00 @Shi-an on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>There's actually a Manga called セントールの悩み (A Centaur's Worries) where the idea is explored.</p><p>Inbetween stories there's some lore about how evolution lead to centaurs and other perculiar humanoids (from our point of view). The main idea was that six-limbed animals survived while four-armed ones didn't, and the middle set of arms evolved into the Centaur's front legs, the wings of some of the other races, or the middle flippers of mermaid-esque humans.</p><p>There was a lot of kanji so I didn't understand a lot of it, but if it's translated somewhere might be worth looking up, for anyone who wants some further reading.</p> Shi-an /users/321963 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1251836 2014-04-01T23:45:35-04:00 2014-04-01T23:45:35-04:00 @user_423355 on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Let me try to answer the interesting questions.</p><p>First, the "who would win ?" question. <br>If it's a 100m sprint, an horse can do times close to 5 sec. Usain Bolt made it in 9.58 sec.<br>At 200m, horse 11.49, Mr Bolt 19.19. <br>At 400m, horse 20.57 sec, Michael Johnson 43.18.<br>At 2000m, horse 1 min 59 sec, Hicham El Guerrouj 4 min 44 sec</p><p>"How does her spine works ?"<br>Maybe she has a special joint linking her upper part to the lower part. Her back muscles may be well developped too.</p><p>"How much food she eats ? How her stomach(s) work ?"<br>Well, she is seen eating a carrot. So she can eats carrots and other food "on the go". She could possibly have one big stomach in her lower part. Maybe she eats human things, but in very large quantity. Try to imagine your stomach but much bigger. You could eat so much.</p> user_423355 /users/423355 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1233742 2014-01-27T13:53:28-05:00 2014-01-27T13:53:28-05:00 @Mettan on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Hmm, yes, perhaps this should have been in the Speculation Fuel pool much earlier.<br>Why would a centaur be allowed to compete on equal terms with a human?</p> Mettan /users/263352 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1130441 2013-02-12T06:24:35-05:00 2013-02-12T06:24:35-05:00 @moustache on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <blockquote><p>montesat said:<br>While on the subject; I read in one of the Disc World books Rincewind mentioned that, and I paraphrase, "only on a short distant can you outrun a horse."</p></blockquote><p>Or a very long distance, or in hot conditions. The humans win <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_versus_Horse_Marathon">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_versus_Horse_Marathon</a> when it's hot enough out.</p> moustache /users/381024 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1101505 2012-11-27T20:18:14-05:00 2012-11-27T20:18:14-05:00 @montesat on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Geez, you guys are over analyzing this picture like hell! So many pictures of centaurs and you guys ended up debating here! <br>While on the subject; I read in one of the Disc World books Rincewind mentioned that, and I paraphrase, "only on a short distant can you outrun a horse."</p> montesat /users/30793 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1067951 2012-09-04T15:26:43-04:00 2012-09-04T15:26:43-04:00 @Nyxshade on post #785395 (shirogane naoto and yuuki makoto (persona and 2 more) drawn by yayata_(884)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d8/04/d804f785fe2dd29da27e4ffa91d23f7a.jpg"/> <p>I remember reading a theory that these two are brother and sister.<br>The more I think on it, the more sense it makes.</p> Nyxshade /users/363623 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1051324 2012-07-29T15:20:21-04:00 2012-07-29T15:20:21-04:00 @chickenhead on post #594723 (kaku and fukurou (one piece) drawn by erichika) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/56/8a/568a1bdb5ec342c9e21ba82bb81cc15c.jpg"/> <p>I zgree king shit.</p> chickenhead /users/372971 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1025676 2012-06-07T13:16:55-04:00 2012-06-07T13:16:55-04:00 @BrokenEagle98 on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Although the humans in this picture may not realize it, they would have an advantage in the racing conditions shown. The amount of friction needed to overcome inertia rises as the mass rises. This is why horses race on a race track with lots of soft dirt to dig their hooves into and not on a flat track. For an idea of what it would be like, watch a cat or dog try to run around in a house with smooth floors. Even if the horse girl was wearing rubber shoes, the surface friction in comparison with her body weight would be much less than that of the human girls.</p> BrokenEagle98 /users/23799 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/989205 2012-03-23T11:28:33-04:00 2012-03-23T11:28:33-04:00 @Hecate-chan on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Just read through the entire discussion here.</p><p>For the bone structure, I can -sort of- imagine a combined pelvis/shoulder structure, that'd basically split the spine into an upper and lower spine. Vaguely a humanlike pelvis placed right on top (or even inside?) of the horse front-leg construction. Hm. Though I'd imagine that'd require some pretty creative ligament setup. And it'd either require a very light upper body, or larger front leg than hind leg musculature to compensate for the different weight distribution?</p><p>Nothing that'd evolve naturally at all, but something I could see as somewhat feasible if one assumes a god/wizard/whatever did it.</p><p>There are more problems that apparently noone else thought of, though:</p><p>Blood Pressure: I doubt a normal horse-heart is enough to supply a head that high up in relation to the body with blood properly, much less one as energy hungry as a human's. giraffes solve their problem by having a fucking enormous(!) heart, and a complex valve system in their necks that both prevents backflow and overpressure when lowering their heads. I'm not sure how that'd work for a centaur. Two hearts?</p><p>Air/Oxygen intake: Horses have nostrils larger than a human's for a good reason. I honestly doubt you can get enough air quickly enough through a human's nose to fuel the oxygen requirements of a centaur unless you have magically super-effective lungs somehow. At best, a cold would spell instant death to them. Not to mention the decidedly long windpipe structure that'd go through the human-ish pelvis at a pretty awkward angle. That is, assuming the lungs are in the horse body, but putting them into the human body wouldn't work due to size constraints. A novel I vaguely recall reading gave the centaurs a gill-like structure on the sides of the human torso to facilitate massive air intake, but those looked decidedly not-human-at-all. Even with horse lungs and the windpipe/nostril problem solved somehow, there's still the problem of fueling a human-ish brain with enough oxygen all the way up there quickly enough, which sorta ties in.</p><p>Food: The food intake situation (a grown horse eating anywhere between 15-24lbs of food a day), without needing to feed a massively energy-hungry human brain, has been mentioned above. There's more to it, though. A horse drinks about 10-12 us-gallons of water a day. It primarily eats grass, and has a digestive tract designed around this. It requires slow, constant nutrient intake due to this as well. Horses also cannot vomit as-is, and thus digestive issues are a massive health hazard to them. That human esophagus up there is not going to make that easier.</p><p>Now, a centaur clearly doesn't have the ability to eat grass (human upper body + teeth), so what -do- they even eat naturally? I could see artificial foods, high calorie bars, supplements, whatever made for them, but in a natural environment, what would they eat? Are they like them sparkly ponies and pick apples from trees all day? Do they hunt, using tools like human's would? Using spears and such? Then they'd require a completely different digestive system. Maybe they're more like behooved lions or something.</p><p>Nerves: I really don't know much about this one, but a human's nerve setup is already plenty complex. Assuming a human-like setup, I'd imagine the additional spinal nerves that'd be needed to be relatively significant. Any biology major here that could shed some light here?</p> Hecate-chan /users/59326 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/912979 2011-11-01T06:25:59-04:00 2011-11-01T06:25:59-04:00 @luntoer on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>I believe someone up there mentioned Varley's Titanides. They're basically strong and agile centaurs. Though their natural environment has a quarter gee, they were created to be able to withstand Earth's gravity. I think somewhere in the novels mentioned that they were able to turn their torso and head so that they could look 180˚ behind them.</p><p>Titanides have a cartilaginous spine to allow for the flexibility, though I don't know enough biology to know if that's feasible.</p> luntoer /users/196991 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/897510 2011-10-06T17:02:08-04:00 2018-09-18T00:33:31-04:00 @Djsedj on post #579001 (ryuk, dracule mihawk, and gecko moria (one piece and 1 more) drawn by cocotri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f1/8f/f18f877c2cbfac54a9ed420480e7b201.jpg"/> <p>Strong world!</p> Djsedj /users/338059 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/893503 2011-09-30T00:25:08-04:00 2011-09-30T00:25:08-04:00 @puchin on post #579001 (ryuk, dracule mihawk, and gecko moria (one piece and 1 more) drawn by cocotri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f1/8f/f18f877c2cbfac54a9ed420480e7b201.jpg"/> <p>Death Note is like Akumetsu meets some other stuff. With Hikaru no Go art.</p> puchin /users/319652 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/874336 2011-09-01T12:04:40-04:00 2011-09-01T12:04:40-04:00 @nomom on post #579001 (ryuk, dracule mihawk, and gecko moria (one piece and 1 more) drawn by cocotri) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/f1/8f/f18f877c2cbfac54a9ed420480e7b201.jpg"/> <p>Isn't Death Note based off of one of Oda's earlier works?</p> nomom /users/338369 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/851637 2011-07-26T22:55:21-04:00 2011-07-26T22:55:21-04:00 @PicoHan on post #785395 (shirogane naoto and yuuki makoto (persona and 2 more) drawn by yayata_(884)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/d8/04/d804f785fe2dd29da27e4ffa91d23f7a.jpg"/> <p>shoulda made her the female pro. if she wasnt in p4.</p> PicoHan /users/109679 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/850565 2011-07-25T04:28:48-04:00 2011-07-25T04:28:48-04:00 @Kikimaru on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>... how did she even get into those?</p> Kikimaru /users/11314 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/834812 2011-06-30T23:52:53-04:00 2011-06-30T23:52:53-04:00 @Fyhlen on post #577555 (ghost (monster girl encyclopedia) drawn by kenkou_cross) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/fe/78/fe7806a6e2d1be9efb0fc4aa1838aec1.jpg"/> <p>Given that Lustful is under most MGs' dispositions, shouldn't Not Particularly Lustful be marked instead? That is, tell us about the exceptions, not the norm. I guess that's just Kenkou Cross's choice, though.</p> Fyhlen /users/350975 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/808066 2011-05-21T17:59:51-04:00 2011-05-21T17:59:51-04:00 @...what. on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>Her classmates are whining now; they'll be singing a different tune when the Gymnastics portion of P.E. comes up.<br>The uneven parallel bars are gonna be a killer for her...</p> ...what. /users/350833 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/801984 2011-05-12T12:16:55-04:00 2011-05-12T12:16:55-04:00 @sonolad on post #578115 ( original drawn by ze_(sawakihein)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/9b/b8/9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg"/> <p>GG</p> sonolad /users/341967