tag:danbooru.me,2005:/comments Comments on user:HyphenSam 2020-03-29T18:59:01-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1993242 2020-03-29T18:59:01-04:00 2020-03-29T18:59:01-04:00 @Halcon_Negro on post #2976460 (earth-chan (original) drawn by proofmeh) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/38/ad/38ad6046e078b7e02800545e6d617f34.jpg"/> <p>Actual state of earth-chan right now...</p> Halcon_Negro /users/486492 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1986446 2020-03-06T17:11:59-05:00 2020-03-06T17:11:59-05:00 @DanbooruBot on post #3275013 (mccree (overwatch) drawn by xu_rui) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/43/5f/435f20e18c86356f6cf2a67ef8d906d9.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link" href="/users/13506">RaisingK</a> replaced this post with a new image:</p><table class="striped"><tbody> <tr> <th>Old</th> <td><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://www.artstation.com/artwork/a9D80">www.artstation.com/artwork/a9D80</a></td> <td>cee7649058b15e5763f0f423434ca977</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>1300 x 1600</td> <td>367.2 KB</td> </tr> <tr> <th>New</th> <td><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/336/669/4k/xu-rui-mkl.jpg?1472579088">cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/i...669/4k/xu-rui-mkl.jpg?1472579088</a></td> <td>435f20e18c86356f6cf2a67ef8d906d9</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>1300 x 1600</td> <td>289.5 KB</td> </tr> </tbody></table> DanbooruBot /users/502584 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1963978 2019-11-24T05:18:33-05:00 2019-11-24T05:18:33-05:00 @mazzar666 on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <p>The artist for this one seems to also have gotten Touya's hair color right, since as of late (nov.2019) it seems his hair was white or light gray. Many would rather draw him with red hair, and even the anime did that mistake, but that color fits with what was said about him, that he had a strong fire but his mother's weaker constitution. And Dabi is not exactly strong physically.</p><p>Among other details, Endeavor has never seen Dabi clearly and up close. One time he was outside (the operation in Kamino ward), the other he was severely injured with a bloodied eye and barely standing. Not a guarantee he'd recognize Dabi as someone familiar anyway, but still.</p> mazzar666 /users/382959 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1919676 2019-05-27T00:35:31-04:00 2019-05-27T00:35:31-04:00 @HyphenSam on post #3519452 (nagato (azur lane) drawn by nyucha) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/3f/74/3f7435c156d8b2220424067f9db2e2b1.jpg"/> <p>*angry fox nosies*</p> HyphenSam /users/521113 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1913923 2019-05-03T11:42:27-04:00 2019-05-03T11:42:27-04:00 @AdventZero on post #3496211 (shameimaru aya (touhou) drawn by tksand) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/1a/f0/1af0974758e0228d1654a8cef8c6c092.jpg"/> <p>Yeah, probably a mistag. Removal of irrelevant tags in progress.</p> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1913922 2019-05-03T11:36:27-04:00 2019-05-03T11:36:27-04:00 @Claverhouse on post #3496211 (shameimaru aya (touhou) drawn by tksand) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/1a/f0/1af0974758e0228d1654a8cef8c6c092.jpg"/> <p>How is she cross-dressing ?</p> Claverhouse /users/72775 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1902891 2019-03-19T09:02:53-04:00 2019-03-19T09:03:36-04:00 @AdventZero on post #3449968 (igarashi futaba (senpai ga uzai kouhai no hanashi) drawn by shiromanta) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a2/47/a247ec6766147db2b035c2f57192685c.jpg"/> <p>Reminds me of one of my classmates back in highschool.</p><div class="spoiler"><p>May she rest in peace.</p></div> AdventZero /users/373518 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1902884 2019-03-19T08:27:22-04:00 2019-03-19T08:27:22-04:00 @Kamaki on post #3449968 (igarashi futaba (senpai ga uzai kouhai no hanashi) drawn by shiromanta) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a2/47/a247ec6766147db2b035c2f57192685c.jpg"/> <p>This really puts the height into context, wowzers.</p> Kamaki /users/133448 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1895567 2019-02-19T00:04:18-05:00 2019-02-19T00:04:18-05:00 @Nghia on post #3421558 (kageyama shigeo, reigen arataka, and ekubo (mob psycho 100) drawn by umiroku) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/05/9d/059d132319dbd7f1f509b5a72bb9fe2c.jpg"/> <p>Very meaningful!</p> Nghia /users/581677 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1881655 2018-12-29T13:40:01-05:00 2018-12-29T13:40:01-05:00 @sanitaeter on post #3365743 ( original drawn by avogado6) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/30/58/3058470365012f0cb345a633c304bdb7.jpg"/> <p>Sadako Sasaki? <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadako_Sasaki">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadako_Sasaki</a></p> sanitaeter /users/525633 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1878954 2018-12-20T04:53:22-05:00 2018-12-20T04:55:06-05:00 @NNescio on post #3355146 (oda nobuhime (oda nobuhime) drawn by hanasaki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/51/b4/51b4b095e3d04cbb06b668d62f09701f.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>HyphenSam said:</p> <p>Don't have enough knowledge of Japan to know what food she is holding. Also, is there a term for that facial expression?</p> </blockquote><p><a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-0" href="/wiki_pages/dango">Dango</a> (on a stick, with <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitarashi_dango">mitarashi syrup</a>).</p><p>Also, <a class="dtext-link dtext-wiki-link tag-type-0" href="/wiki_pages/drooling">drooling</a>.</p> NNescio /users/333230 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1878952 2018-12-20T04:50:52-05:00 2018-12-20T04:50:52-05:00 @HyphenSam on post #3355146 (oda nobuhime (oda nobuhime) drawn by hanasaki) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/51/b4/51b4b095e3d04cbb06b668d62f09701f.jpg"/> <p>Don't have enough knowledge of Japan to know what food she is holding. Also, is there a term for that facial expression?</p> HyphenSam /users/521113 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1866001 2018-11-03T22:48:22-04:00 2018-11-03T22:48:22-04:00 @DanbooruBot on post #3081985 (natsuki (doki doki literature club) drawn by y.i._(lave2217)) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/da/a8/daa807add81be7e6c2075aeb539c95a4.jpg"/> <p><a class="dtext-link" href="/users/13506">RaisingK</a> replaced this post with a new image:</p><table class="striped"><tbody> <tr> <th>Old</th> <td><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://img00.deviantart.net/be73/i/2018/046/3/6/natsuki_fanart_by_lave2217-dc38cvi.jpg">img00.deviantart.net/be73/i/2...i_fanart_by_lave2217-dc38cvi.jpg</a></td> <td>b170292ac0ec61fb9ae96814e2d2b302</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>1024 x 1821</td> <td>178.2 KB</td> </tr> <tr> <th>New</th> <td><a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link dtext-named-external-link" href="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/e7e33968-d238-4e65-915a-dc716e9f728d/dc38cvi-fd26aa19-99d4-4161-969a-79e403d10696.jpg">images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887...-99d4-4161-969a-79e403d10696.jpg</a></td> <td>daa807add81be7e6c2075aeb539c95a4</td> <td>jpg</td> <td>1837 x 3266</td> <td>307.3 KB</td> </tr> </tbody></table> DanbooruBot /users/502584 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1862735 2018-10-24T01:58:34-04:00 2018-10-24T01:58:34-04:00 @calvinhobbes1010 on post #2951520 (monika and protagonist (doki doki literature club) drawn by sasoura) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/1e/9d/1e9db3f902b531d3d96e005eed98b6ea.jpg"/> <p>Come for the waifus.</p><p>Stay for the spooks.</p><p>Leave with the feels.</p> calvinhobbes1010 /users/562165 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1860801 2018-10-17T04:16:44-04:00 2018-10-17T04:16:44-04:00 @Magus on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>HaroldRowsdower said:</p> <p>Apart from anything else, Deku's constantly absent father has a fire quirk. </p> <p>So, if we're assuming "has a fire quirk" means "related to Endeavor"...</p> </blockquote><p>Latest chapter says that Touya's fire quirk was even stronger than Endeavor's. And seeing as blue flame is twice as hot as orange flame...</p> Magus /users/15864 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1849481 2018-09-10T18:21:17-04:00 2018-09-10T18:21:58-04:00 @crowning_nalane on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>azurelorochi said:</p> <p>Dunno, looking from the most recent chapter(191), the theory seems to be much more credible now than ever. </p> <p>Not that I like it though, not everyone who has similar powers has to be related, otherwise if you try to link everyone who has some form of super strength in the manga and say they're all related, that'd be pretty preposterous.</p> <p>What the hell does "theory by the author" even mean anyway? Why would an author has to theorize about his own work?(I mean unless the author is someone like Mashima or Kubo who never plan ahead, but Horikoshi certainly isn't that type of author)</p> </blockquote><p>I'm back because i didn't think of this the first time i commented, But i believe the user "HyphenSam" meant the author as in the artist. Horikoshi has done nothing to confirm or "headcanon" this. I would know, im a weeb who follows all his postings and press conferences closely. Unless my japanese is shit, which there's a chance it is, and i mistranslated something, This has never been mentioned. I don't even think anyones asked him about it, Since this seems to be a western fan theory. But i might be wrong. </p> crowning_nalane /users/473972 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1836288 2018-07-21T13:29:31-04:00 2018-07-21T13:29:31-04:00 @HaroldRowsdower on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <p>Apart from anything else, Deku's constantly absent father has a fire quirk. </p><p>So, if we're assuming "has a fire quirk" means "related to Endeavor"... </p> HaroldRowsdower /users/342743 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1836285 2018-07-21T13:22:03-04:00 2018-07-21T13:22:03-04:00 @azurelorochi on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <p>Dunno, looking from the most recent chapter(191), the theory seems to be much more credible now than ever. </p><p>Not that I like it though, not everyone who has similar powers has to be related, otherwise if you try to link everyone who has some form of super strength in the manga and say they're all related, that'd be pretty preposterous.</p><blockquote> <p>HyphenSam said:</p> <p>This is apparently a theory by the author </p> </blockquote><p>What the hell does "theory by the author" even mean anyway? Why would an author has to theorize about his own work?(I mean unless the author is someone like Mashima or Kubo who never plan ahead, but Horikoshi certainly isn't that type of author)</p> azurelorochi /users/187477 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1834545 2018-07-15T19:41:11-04:00 2018-07-15T19:41:11-04:00 @crowning_nalane on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <blockquote> <p>SilentChavo said:</p> <p>Also doesn’t the other sibling have red hair in the anime?</p> </blockquote><p>its confirmed that characters dye their hair in canon. Kirishima dyed his black hair red, So theres no reason that dabi couldn't have dyed his hair.</p><p>i personally dont agree with this theory, but i thought i should mention the whole hair dye thing.</p> crowning_nalane /users/473972 tag:danbooru.me,2005:Comment/1832301 2018-07-08T01:05:31-04:00 2018-07-08T01:05:31-04:00 @SilentChavo on post #3177675 (dabi, todoroki fuyumi, todoroki touya, and todoroki natsuo (boku no hero academia) drawn by keiid) <img src="/cdn_image/preview/a6/e8/a6e842ebc857515e84a2c3a29fdf84b5.jpg"/> <p>Also doesn’t the other sibling have red hair in the anime?</p> SilentChavo /users/551934