


Hilariously, I actually do color my warframes as 2hus. Some of them are pretty hard to pin down. I wont list them all but here are a few:

My nyx is Koishi rather than Satori since control and manipulation is more Koi's thing.

My Mirage is Reisen as opposed to Sunny. Becuase I can't quite get Flandre's color scheme to work...

Limbo is Yukari because dimensional phasing and leaving gaps behind.

Oberon is Minariko mostly because of the nature themes and because she's frequently a healer in touhou fangames.

Banshee was kyoko but I recolored her to be Toyosatomimi no Miko due to Miko's ability kinda fitting, that one banshee skin that looks like its wearing headphones, and because banshee looks REALLY good in purple.

I need to re-color hydroid to Wakasagihime since Murasa's color scheme does not look good on him at all.

Wukong makes for a good Suika

Titania is Yuyuko

Khora is Ran and Chen

Chroma is an obvious Meiling

Ash is Sakuya

Umbra is Toyohime

and Mesa is Reimu because who else has such a bullshit homing attack?

The only one I don't have a touhou color scheme for is Mag.

This should be in the "love me a lot" pool. It's the missing page after the other stand alone of Koishi holding the heart.

I'm really happy someone uploaded this story in its entirety. I've always been interested in reading it. Thank you. Truly.

wvmmhxkh said:

Satorin? My dear sister.

I'll be fine. I have you, dear sister. But promise me… that you will take care of yourself.

Why would you do this?

What if Seija is donating because no one else ever donates? It's the opposite of the norm. But she's conflicted because it makes reimu happy.

GiantCaveMushroom said:

Whoops, my bad. Forgot there's three parts so far.

Here they are in order:
pool #5533 - Yellow
pool #6048 - Orange
pool #6517 - Red

yes but the story remains unfinished. I was just wondering if anyone knew if he was going to finish it or not. :3

BlastingNaba said:

Possibly Yuuka, going by the pants.

It's flandre. Wind chime wings and all.

Just to put my two cents in on the whole ripe/rife issue. It's true that "rife" would be correct. Ripe can be used but it is moderately incorrect with this context. However it can also be argued that this is Remilia's vernacular and is therefore excusable.

Ripe is more quotable though...

AdventZero said:

You know, I'm really tempted to add this page to the Badass pool for the simple fact that even though Kogasa has been rendered completely immobile as a tool, she still managed to pull out enough determination to break her own body in half rather than let it be used to hurt the ones she love.

I have to wonder why it wasn't in the badass pool sooner. It is now though.

No, that's flan's shadow. You can see her side-tail and the ribbon on her hat is on her left and the shadow reflects that. Remilia's ribbon is on her right. She misses her normal wings.