


Shebadotfr said:

God help us when we gonna have the Poles and the Spanish.

Uhh....did the Poles ever have a navy?

I'm not sure who this would hurt more. The guy or the girl; Being hit with a large mass or swinging a large mass that has nerve ending attached to it.

A_Lurker said:

Guadalcanal summarized:

IJN: I can’t see a darn thing!
USN: How’s this newfangled radar work?

Akatsuki: Who’s that? Hang on let me turn on a flashlight. *lights up Atlanta.*

Literally everyone present: Hey look something to shoot at. Is it one of ours? Heck if I know.

*cue cartoon dust cloud fight*

Hahaha! okay, I get the picture now

Steak said:

Night battle. Akatsuki had the misfortune of shining a light on Atlanta and immediately suffered the consequences. Atlanta herself would go on to be torpedoed by one of Akatsuki's sisters, and had to be scuttled after the battle.

I thought she was sunk by friendly fire.

astraympx said:

That whale face though.
Also there is something charming seeing Sammy in kimono

yep....I agree...although is the Garb really a Kimono? because it almost look chinese...

Algester said:

both yes and no its infact the acids that actually clean the coin so any tough grime or dirt wont work (tabasco does contain some lactic acid IIRC from the fermentation process)


ftahgn said:

There's something oddly bittersweet about this being the last panel. It's probably unintentional, but on the final panel of this strip its Akagi and Kaga running off to do what they do best in this series. A kind of goodbye to use readers, of sorts.

RIP, Megahiyo.

man, that's deep.

finally, an update from Nonco. He hasn't posted in months! I was worried he might have gone the way of Megahiyo, God rest his soul.

Claverhouse said:

I'm British and have never heard of Butterbeer.

Hot Buttered Rum [ American 1650 AD ], yes; and Yak Butter Tea [ Tibetan c 800 AD ? ] but I eschew drinks with wholesome dollops of butter on top.

Butterbeer seems to come from the Harry Potter world --- and the Yanks have gone one better by manufacturing Butterbeer Ice Cream.

With extra-added Butterscotch.

well, uhhh...I always associated butter beer with Harry Potter so....yeah.

butter beer? Isn't Batavia supposed to be the USS Houston? How is Butter Beer going to cure her? I thought Butterbeer was a British drink.

Ahhh another American beauty made by Yoshinori. I was getting worried she would never make another American ship. No offense to the other artists, but Yoshinori is queen of American ship-girl design. It's kinda cool though that other artists are getting in on designing US ship girls. All the other ships from other countries have one designated artist but the US and Japan get multiple artists.