


Its, kinda funny. Flandre having a pinwheel for a face. Those four points have to be a nod to her splitting into four Flans as part of her spellcard

What's this? A page untranslated that has sat around for ages? Oh won't some capable translator come and save this page's bacon? Please I beg you, please translate so I can read what Kyon said to Haruhi.

FRien said:

The guy who can't even fucking draw girls drinking tea without adding a nightmare face and a zombie begging for death.

Oh well, at least they weren't feeding her human meat, so he's getting better.

If you think they or the very least Seiga isn't harvesting human meat like Byakuren with her peaches or the garden, you are obviously underestimating Zounose.

Yoshika said:

End it

Whoops, heard something ya shouldn't have Crown Prince. How will you avoid the bad end?

Random_Fanguy said:

Shouldn't she be using real human parts? Know what, this is probably way less troublesome.

Its not like the dead people are using it anymore.

Well this is a first, it's finally not Yukari messing with borders, or Eirin's shady drugs, or even magic. Its those blasted Kappa's

BloodCri said:

I just noticed. Flandre's wings are the same both normal and in sakuya-vision

Well Remilia and Patchouli were dressed normally, it really is just the human shape that Sakuya can't recognize.

Levander said:

What kind of monster writes three afterwords for a single book...?

The kind of monster who writes three different stories for a single book.