


Neil92388 said:

Mordred is the best Saberface.

Dissing Okita? Come behind the barn, we have something to discuss. Bring a shovel, you'll need to dig deep and large.

Small bump, because the last panels were translated but not from now on, and I like the interactions between Fate Shirou and the Knights of the Round Table.

About time the mask seller made it to Gensokyo, he's already a legend.

Someone give her some caloriemates. She's starving, you fucking can see her ribs.

That tail is too low to be natural.
Either the artist made a mistake, or you can pull it out.

DeadW@nderer said:
Read biggest translation note box.

Ha, it's another shitter, okay. I misunderstood the translation and I thought Cai was Wu's agent or something.

BarefeetChaser said:
And no, you can't sue anonymous internet users.

Good thing. Chinese already have a nasty reputation for suing over menial shit, even more than Americans, if they started suing Internet people, we'd never see the end of it.

Translation said:

Wu was upset at first, but he eventually chose the other way for the sake of PR. While Cai Xukun filed a law suit against all Bilibili users who made mocking music videos of him, Wu went out of his way to make this memetic song an actual piece of music.

I know Wu is the singer, but who is Cai Xukun? Also, you can sue people over the internet in China?

nOTdYLAN said:

Watched a documentary about him before.

Is it true that the Street Fighter 2 port he played during EVO a bad port?

I don't know the details because I care little about fighting games, but yes, apparently it was a terrible port, so nobody bothered playing it, and he ranked something like third or fourth during the tournament, and immediately decided he was the best American player because everyone above him was Asian, and he's still boasting to this day. Someone on Youtube perfectly explained the whole situation, but I forgot to screenshot the comment.
I don't remember if it's true or not, it's probably exagerrated, but I heard he also played a broken character at this tournament, Akuma. Some black guy who's also a ginger and is barefeet.

"Snake... had a hard life."
"What about his father/brother?"
"Big Boss... also had a hard life?"
"What about his surrogate mother?"
"She also had a hard life."
"Okay, what about Otacon?"
"Err... Not that hard, but still pretty shitty."
"Who didn't have a hard life in that fucking franchise?"
*silently looks at Ocelot playing with his guns and torturing people*

If you care, the context for this picture is it was a thread about snakegirls mommydom, and it opened with a lamia picture and the post saying "Ara ara, you're not attracted to an old snake like me, are you?". Someone reposted the same text, but with a picture of MGS4's Snake, and then this was made later.

Random_Fanguy said:

Is that why?

Yes. The sooner you have kids, the sooner you have grandkids that you can spoil.

That makes me think of that youtuber, DarkSydePhil. Except he has very little fans as far as I know.

Mahiro, you could've stopped everything here by just asking if it was a good idea to send a sexually frustrated grown-up man in a little girls' school.
You lack imagination.

I thought Nero burning down Roma and playing music while blaming it on the Christian never actually happened and that he was campaigning, but only came back to Roma way too late? What's that thing about him hating Christians? Bale is a good actor.

Elmithian said:

At times like this I feel this deep sense of melancholy over the fact that we cannot headpat these kind of adorable creatures.

That is why you want to marry and have kids.

Hang on, let me recap.
That girl turned her big brother into a young girl, in order to "rehab" him, without being aware that she was the reason he became a NEET in the first place due to his massive inferiority complex over having his role as the reliable brother being usurped, and her endgoal is to marry her big brother to another man, despite the fact that he needs his medicine often to stay a young girl?
That's some extreme fujo stuff even I can't get into. What will happen if her big brother returns to his original, male form after being married?

GoldSaw said:

O god, you really upload this image which caused a 1200 post shitstorm on NicoNico Seiga? Amazing.

We're smarter than these morons. We can manage.

cd_young said:
... Is that nickname too racist?

I don't think so. To be racist, it needs to be hateful. Curry Saber is fine, while Poo In The Loo Saber or Shitskin Saber wouldn't be.
Food is fine. You're fine.