


Type-kun said:

Sort of fun(?) that it's "current event" for over 6 years already.

Because the situation over there is still "delicate", thus making this still "current".

Don't worry Momiji, it's FDA Approved!

No, the rumor that Eientei bribed the FDA was totally untrue, your friend Aya lied about that to sell more newspaper

Even accounting for the fact that the whole thing is a blatant attempt on Nitori's part to get an Oscar Award... this story is still better than most movies (and TV shows) I have seen in the past decade.

Let's be honest here, we the audience get to have our cake and eat it too in this case. We get to cry, smile, and laugh, all in the space of a few panels.


Edit: The funny thing was I somehow skipped the last 4 panels for some reason the first time around and I was wondering who everyone was talking about Nitori trolling... It took me another 2 rereading before I saw the last 4 panels


lolin86 said:
physics dont work that way...

It does work that way in Ao Usagi's universe...


piespy said:
This probably doesn't help make the dice give uniform rolls.

So this is how dealers cheat in the 21th century... rigged dice that also distract the ones been cheated on.

Maybe it has something to with her theme music: Septette for the Dead Princess

Emphasis on the "dead" part.