


ROMaster2 said:
...what's that under her scarf?

I haven't seen Higurashi in a pretty long time, but I believe those are infected wounds she attained by violently scratching herself. If you watch the anime, you'll see that due to a virus called the Hinamizawa Syndrome, Rena has episodes in which she thinks there are maggots crawling around in her skin, and she desperately tries to scratch them out. (the virus is dormant in all citizens of the town, but for some reason that I forget, is active in Rena in some of the story arcs)
I hope that helped, if you decided to read the spoiler~

ShadowPhalanx said:
I don't remember where from, but it reminds me of this one scene from a cartoon where a secret camera was supposed to be set up, but it was obviously exposed in the open with a couple branches taped to it.

Would've been just as funny if that was Aya's doing.

I believe that would be Ed Edd n Eddy

Hijiri_Byakuren said:
I'm not sure I understand how you mean it's shallow.

It's a retort that I'd expect from a child. I just can't take it seriously. It's like a child (we'll call him John) who got caught in the act of pushing down a younger kid. When scolded by an adult, John's friend argues, "but Mark pushes kids more than him!" in an attempt to get John out of trouble. It doesn't change the fact that John pushed a little kid to begin with.

Hijiri_Byakuren said:

I've always hated that argument you just gave. "but there's worse than this, therefore it should not be deleted." That's a very shallow and paper-thin argument on your part.

reapergundam said:
ya'll fools who own it know she's being raped, right? as such, the RAPE tag should be applied

bumping a 3 year old thread for that?

is there a different tag for measuring_scales (as opposed to scale skin, as it is currently tagged as).

wait now, I thought Rin and Len lived with eachother? Considering at one point they made a chore-schedule