


pihip said:
Alas, it was not to be, and now we have this situation. And I really, really hope none of us will ever find themselves at a point where we honestly wish we were never born.

I do. Every single day.

But my situation isn't like most people. I'm from Singapore.

Isekaijin said:

That the enemy you have to defeat for the sake of your country is also human and has a family and life outside of the battlefield is something that you can only ignore for so long until it starts haunting you.

That's especially true with the USA and their tendency to glorify war effort by painting themselves as the good guys.

"Singapore promoting the BRI is great for both countries." Right after decades of telling the people that China is not to be trusted (while facilitating China's rise to power).

It's not just the US doing it. The only difference is that the citizens of the US get to call bullshit on their government's propaganda, at least in theory.

laisy said:

Ayaya, put that Exia back wherever you found it. Setsuna will not like it if you became Gundam before him.

Is okay, she is also Gundam.

Menrva_S said:

Of course every SKKs will be worried when they see mountains of pure MREs.

Not only that, it's mountains of WW2/DCold War MREs, and none of the modern ones.

And some glass jars of what is hopefully some sort of kompot, jam or pickles.

Short version: Suisai, if you believe ANYTHING on Weibo, is a bad worker and caused problems for EVERYONE. Again, if the rumors were true, Yostar/Manjuu, Mihoyo, and even Lowlight don't want to commission him to do anything.

The only possible reason this exists is if it was an older work and Yostar/Manjuu has wised up since then.

No need to doompost about any company since he's pretty much toxic fallout to any company who even so much as inquire about his abilities.

She's not trying to cheer him up. Or trying to help Sakura at all.

(She is hella thirsty, if you catch my drift.)

Forgive me for asking, but what is this LapiLuci thing?

I'll assume it's related to the Lucia event, and my inadequate grasp of Japanese means I could not read all that delicious story.