


NWF_Renim said:
I believe it's combination of that most nude filters are very poor photoshops of the original image (or possibly a low quality vector trace) and wanting to get danbooru above the idea that we're only a hentai website, when we're a image site that has hentai.

My personal opinion is that if the nude filter is high enough quality then it should be allowed, but as of yet I've only seen 1 such nude filter out of all the ones here on the site.

Poeple actually come here for non-hentai content? Doubtful.

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  • Rengeki_Storm said:
    Not a bad pic, but it`s still a nude filter so...

    And what the hell's wrong with nude filters?

    Oh, right, "respecting the artist". Fuck them. If I ran this site, photoshop edits would be encouraged and ALL censored artwork would be banned. I live in the USA, I am not bound by some Japanese censorship law.

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  • People are whining about this....

    Blame the original artist who drew the thing for fucking it up. The decensor work filled in the white empty space and that was it. The rest was already ruined by the OH SO GREAT NIPPON ARTIST who drew the thing to begin with.

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