


JimmyBobJim said:
Sephiroth always flaunting the size of his sword...

♪ My sword is longer than your sword!
My sword is twice the length of yours! ♫

Am I the only one who thinks Shaggy looks more like the frontman of a grunge outfit instead of a stoner? Maybe it's the face and hair...

NekoKnight36 said:
I think Fire Emblem generally avoids the pitfalls of a black and white story by having a mixed group of antagonists. Rather than have all the antagonists be evil for the sake of itself, most of them are average soldiers/people being manipulated by truly evil key figures. All of the games have enemy soldiers who defect to your side because they are only involved for personal reasons. It's really less to do with good vs evil as it is "war is bad for everyone involved".

I suspect the strategy rpg genre is the limiting factor, not the story type.

Couldn't have said it better myself. A perfect example is 'Genealogy of The Holy War', which is considered the darkest Fire Emblem.

From the look of things, another Akiko doujin is on the way since the cover of volume 8 is shown in one of his latest illustrations.

And looking at this drawing I'd say he improved tremendously in the last few years.

Yuu_Inohara said:
Which is actually rather amusing because I've heard people compare Gundam to Star Trek for one reason or another.

Char's Counterattack does feel like Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan, with the revenge aspect and all. I remember in the English dub of 0079 some of the characters refer to Bright Noa as 'Mr Bright'.

It's ironic, though, since ST is the UN in space whilst Gundam is a war epic.

The closest anime that can be compared to Star Trek is Space Battleship Yamato, IMO.

Chao` said:
It's not far enough to say "explicit", so while I disagree with merely calling it "suggestive", I'm not sure how to more accurately describe it.

We could just agree on 'graphic'.

desurou said:
dont get me wrong, she looks hot as hell but the drills kinda dont look all that good on her o.oa

What are you talking about? They balance her overall look. You need to really study character design alot more.