


Hm, is it really "interracial" if they're both androids? thinking emoji. Well, they're very different models of android...

Finally figured out who the guy in the fur-lined red hoodie is: Philip LaFresque from some game series called Penumbra.

FYI, Hijiki is a type of edible seaweed (Sargassum fusiforme or Hizikia fusiformis) but is also a slang in Japanese Prototype fandom referring to the Tendril Barrage devastator attack. Which I guess resembles the seaweed.

I took a stab at translating the commentary. For context, this was posted to Pixiv on May 10, 2009.

She's not cosplaying Connor! See the phantom blade? the tricolour (well, tri-stripe, since it's monochrome) flag? Not to mention the completely different outfit! Clearly this is an Arno Dorian cosplay!

"character_request"? Pretty sure this isn't intended to be any character, just a random Assassin girl.

Bartender!Alex: Mixes six drinks at once. Awesome.
Scientist!Desmond: Accidentally makes science babies. Also awesome, in its own way.