


If you gave yourself an alias, what would it be?
• Some kind of adjective
• The name of a weapon

User name is always Sonic, SonicGTR, or SonicGTR34. With callsigns I use Sonic, Silver, Silver Bravo, R34, or S10.

Items, weapons, or other stuff is named after weapons, shmup ships, or something from Halo, e.g. Durandal, Ikaruga, or Ascendant Justice.

Search 'shanghai_doll -alice_margatroid' and 'hourai_doll -alice_margatroid'. The Danbooru search uses the same Boolean operators that Bing and Google use.

Remember, thought, that regular members can only search for two terms at a time. Gold members get extra stuff, including six terms in a search.

Back in college, I left the dome light on in my 94 Geo Metro. Fortunately, it was a manual transmission so I just push-started it myself. The poor thing was driven to Hell and back before I got it(driver window didn't work, outside driver door handle didn't work which necessitated a bypass with a hole in the door and a string connected to the door mechanism, half of the center console plastic was just GONE, and the stereo was held in place by wire hanger wire) but it was still a great car that never gave me any mechanical problems.

I'm on my 3rd vehicle now(a 99 Chevy S-10) but like they say, "You never forget your first."

"Standby..." is pretty much Captain MacMillan's catchphrase on Pixiv. The connection is, admittedly, weak since Vegas isn't wearing a full ghillie suit. Is it still enough to add the call_of_duty and call_of_duty_4 tags?

Introducing the all new Patchouli Knowledge's Ab-Abber 2000! Get results like the professionals in minutes! Nay! Seconds! Just listen to that fairy over there!

Cirno said:
AAAaaaAAAaaa-I'm just in time for the murder mystery!!!

Act now and receive the Hakuterizer Abs-solutely free! Max out your Hakus and Takus with the ease of a thousandaire.

Patchouli Knowledge's Ab-Abber 2000. "They'll be all up ons!"

ThunderBird said:

You just need to give him the incentive. Like trapping his girlfriend and injuring him semi-fatally ...

How about just offer him some "pamcakes"?

99% Invisible did an episode a couple of months ago on Bubble Houses. Such a brilliantly simple and effective design that was unfortunately just too ahead of it's time. With the recent rise of environmentalism and more contemporary building designs and amenities, it's likely they could make a comeback, I think.

For the poll, I guess I'll go for the peak of a mountain again. It was at a Travelodge but I could see the peak from my window so that counts, right?

I like to think that whatever is attacking them are particularly fucked because Rumia reminded the Chief of Parisa, the girl he saved from drowning on his home planet and whom he promised to marry and keep safe a few weeks before he was conscripted into the SPARTAN-II program and replaced with a flash clone.

Spoilers: He actually would keep his promise of protecting her when they would meet again at the Battle of Mombasa. She kept a photo of herself with John that her dad took at the lake after he rescued her. Just as John was intending to remind Parisa to not bring personal items to a combat zone, he recognized the picture. Parisa, obviously not recognizing John because of his armor, explained the story behind the picture to him. Despite the sudden flood of memories, John couldn't bring himself to reveal who he was, knowing that doing so would be a massive security breach for ONI. Instead he maintained his stoic facade and the two of them began planning a counterattack against the Covenant. If she was later sent to Voi like most of the regiments were instead of ONI Site Alpha, she would have most likely survived the war.

Also, I like to think that she actually had blonde hair and red eyes instead of black hair and blue eyes.

Today's poll said:
You sure buy a lot of stuff living alone, huh?
• Video games
• Manga
• Model kits
• Figurines
• Body pillows

• 35 Xbox 360 games. This doesn't include the XBLA games on the hard drive. I'm also buying another DVD rack tomorrow.
• No manga. Never owned any.
• I used to have 3 Gundam Wing models. I have no idea what happened to them. All I have right now is a Skyline R34 model.
• I don't have it yet, but soon I'll have a figure of Bliss Barson from Cryamore. I have a Superheroine Haruhi Figma and a Dollfie that I really need to buy bases for now that I have enough space in my room.
• The closest thing I have is this pillow cover that came with the limited edition of Otomedius Excellent. Game Stop was only taking preorders for the limited edition and it was, like, $10 more.

About a month ago, I got a digital download of 'The 31 Days of Zero Suit Samus' in addition to some pins, a sticker, and a signed print of the pic where she has a tire swing for backing the artist's Kickstarter.

Does anyone want me to upload it here and, if so, how do I properly source it?