


I unfortunately think the artist has been using waifu2x on his uploads...shame considering how good his art is

Ridiculous, nowhere in the artist's tags tags does it say this is a guy. Looks like a flat girl from the other images.
EDIT: nevermind the PATREON says boy

Jeez, I don't think this artist knows the difference between an AR10 and 15.

Actually it looks closer to a 50 cal!

EDIT: Apparently this site must have been infested with liberals who hate the truth when I wasn't looking. The proportions on the gun make it clearly not an "AR15". Yeah, that's downvote worthy.

The magazine is too long for anything you will find an "AR15" chambered in, the barrel too thick, and even considering that the girl is too small, the gun is way too big.

The proportions of the girl herself are also really off.


Posted a better scan (with more accurate color) on nyaa.si (600mb zip). noantica peta 5.

Can't be bothered to reupload the cover since it still needs some cleanup, but it's still better than this if you were to downsample it.

Whoever scanned this needs to learn to scan better. Photoshop and 3rd party addons required.

Every image should be 32,000x18,000 just like this! even if it's not a landscape zoomed out, unlike this!

The artist also forgot to use a jpeg setting higher than 95. In fact it looks like he used 1. Hope someone fluent in his language tells the artist off.

Wow, it looks like pixiv or the artist reuploaded the image with 2 more censor bars, hence the mismatch... wtf

Can someone with access to his patreon tell me if there's a higher resolution of this? Way too small to be useful.

Shikniful said:

so why not just tag both name then?

That's not how boorus work, if anything Vania would get an alias to Vampy because the english translation is stupid and random.