


This kind of behavior wouldn't have surprised me if it happened in the U.S., but the U.K?
And the Netherlands too, apparently?

I always thought Europe had a better education system than us.

Killerkaim said:

“Its just like dark souls”, huh?

In terms of movement mechanics at least.
Sam plays somewhat uniquely, in that he moves more like a human being than a video game character. He can't instantly change directions, he can't immediately cancel his momentum, he can't drop more than his height without having to land on his hands, if he sprints downhill he risks losing control and tripping; things like that.

It reminds me of Dark Souls in that it forces you to be more aware of what you're doing rather than just mindlessly mashing buttons (or in Death Stranding's case, holding forward).


Pizzastoners said:

[...]in the background behind the ladder what is that thing called ?

Looks like a generator.

In terms of gameplay it definitely takes time getting used to.
It's kind of been reminding me of Dark Souls in the way that it doesn't try to impress you or hold your hand, and is torturous if you're impatient.

And like the Souls series, I can easily see it taking a similar path popularity-wise, being dismissed on arrival, retaining a cult fanbase, and eventually the notice of said fanbase leading to mainstream recognition.

According to a deviantart comment, there's supposedly a Patreon exclusive comic revealing that it's regurgitation.

Zaku_Zelo said:

Oh, it's fine. There are no chicken Touhous.

There are now.

I'm pretty sure this whole skit was based off of a TV program, but I can't recall the name of it.

Котенок said:

It is only gross if you get hit!

Why would they be wearing swimsuits if they're not planning on getting hit?

On one hand, I'm bothered that their hairstyles remained...

But on the other hand, they'd probably just look like Bowser otherwise.
At least the bangs are the same shape.