


sunakoneko said:
So, who was the one that gave birth? o3o

Obviously Kaguya, because Mokou wears the pants in that household. In touhou, that practicly guaruntees you have the penis.

You know, all these comments about Letty looking hot.. and the first thing that came to my mind is why the heck are Letty and Cirno bundling up in the snow? Cirno normaly goes barefoot in the snow, and normaly people talk about Letty melting in the spring because its warm.. they LIKE being cold!

badhabitrabbit said:
People were probably asking where Koakuma was XD;; Seems like she's got it a hell of a lot easier than Youki.

I wonder how many hours she has to put in for Remilia and Sakuya's buying habits though.

Obviously shes not working hard enough, Sakuya wasn't able to buy Flan a proper Yukkuri and thus had to have ballon Flan pop and make her cry. Good Koa, you made Flan cry.

HelepolisH said:
Looks like she is in pain due to back problems.

Thats what she gets for wearing that silly thing all the time.

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