


You can tell the artist is both male and has never seen a woman in garters remove them, since any woman would tell you the panties go over the garter belt, not under, because they wouldn't be able to use the restroom while dressed otherwise.

The scary thing is Tohsaka's goatee and Emiya's stubble proves thetrap tag is correct. I really rather wish this WERE a genderswap instead. ><

Timer said:
Yep. I don't know what's with the black cat, but I hope that feline will be an important key to Epi. 11-12.

Yup, that damn cat getting hit by a car was the original reason Madoka became a puella magi in the very first timeline, and Homuhomu only met her AFTER that event initially

Canon (novel at least) says she has breasts, but they are too soft to not get flattened by whatever she wears. This is about the largest she could possibly be though, and take into account she's essentially arching her back here which would push whatever she has to actually work with gravity to hang out and not get flattened back for once.

Actually, the mistake here is she's lacking her hair ties, which is what is throwing everyone. Even in the mange, with this hairstyle, she had "Onii-chan's' gift in her hair.

Just for the record, the only kill that was confirmed as by Eva WAS Battler, as it was a case of Wolves and sheep, and was done ON-CAMERA/ However, NONE of the other kills are confirmed by her, and in fact, at this time, not likely to have been her at all.

You've also missed the part of the fact that for Umineko, this is an in continuity joke, considering that Touhou makes a VERY prominent appearance in "Banquet of the Golden Witch" through Jessica's stage costume, years before Touhou has any right to exist, after all/. And for all we know, it may actuall be legitimate, because what goes one way has a tendency of tracking back down the path it came from.

Technically it IS correct, due to the inconsistency of romanization. The Character can be written in english as either SI or SHI, even though the pronunciation is always shi.

This is actually a response to two of the *extra* clues provided by the creator, which were about Valrntines Day and the following White day, where Renove made Valentines day chocolate, had each of the seven stakes form in, then ordered them to present it to someone of their choice, on Beatrices orders. In the end the final one to do so was of course Lucifer, who swallowed her pride, so to speak , and presented it to Battler, saying it was handmade (true) but not that she had made it herself. almost immediatly followed by Beatrice coming up and giving him chocolate, nd when he tried, he caught her in the lie that she had made it, but mistakely believed it was Lucifer who had made it, which was the end of that clue. The second part began with white day and all of the stake actually receiving white day returns, but Beatrice (being Beatrice) attempted to force something out of Battler, by stealing that which he had gotten Lucifer (tea) this ends up with him stating in RED that he would never accept valentines day chocolate nor return a white day gift to Beat ever. This pissed Beato off who proptly takes out her rage on the stakes by killing either them, or the gift, or both, Renove then scolds her again, and he and Virgilia both guilt her when she keeps trying to pass the blame (to literally everyone else, one at a time) and then convince her into believing (literally telling her "you need to believe for this to work") they can turn back time to give her a second chance to do it again, which leaves Beato actually attempting to create the chocolate on Valentines day again, until Gaap appears and ruins the self delusion by stating that it is still White day, which is followed by Battler coming in and acting (badly) like it is still Valentines day, and Beato remembers Renove's parting remarks and contines to make the chocolate, and later Renove comes in and points out where Battler had connfided in him the loophole in his red truth, that he could accept the chocolate on a day OTHER than valentines day, as well as the white day return a month later.

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