


Those AF blues are pretty spot on. Though a Master Sergeant would have way more ribbons, and her hair is out of regs.

Vow3L said:

guess Maki's not a really effective charger then..

That's their "dere" battery; it can only be charged by the "dere mode". Maybe someday Nico will be able to charge hers from Maki.
... and maybe hell will freeze over, too.

bunkhead said:

What's with the getup?

Researched it a bit, and it turns out there were 2 visual novels released with the later BDs of the show. There is a scene in one of these where Tougou wears a costume like that. No idea about the context, though.

worldendDominator said:

Is that Miku?

My first instinct is "Yes", but it's hard to tell...
Since there's nothing we can see that defines her as Miku, and the pixiv isn't tagged Miku or Vocaloid, I guess it's original.

Deciphering hand-written kanji is a weakness of mine... sorry if I've completely missed the mark.

Zaku_Zelo said:
Well, this seems familiar.
Y...you're a good girl, Momiji.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person who immediately thought of that...

Actually, glimpsing the calander behind Kyouko, it seems Kyouko does most of the cooking. At least Fri/Sat.
I suppose if she is going to eat most of it, she should make it...

Remilia said:
Oh gawd there's a yandere on my face!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist after the facehugger comment...

Here we see Flandre engaged in a post-coup ritual asserting dominance as she takes control of the pack.
Also, Remi looks comfy. Just look at Flan's contented face.

JohnHayabusa said:
So now we have Yasuna/Agiri? How will Sonya react to this?

Like she does to everything else: violence and knives.
Sakuya has taught her well.

Why's Renko all mad? I thought that was how you said "hello" in Japan!

No, I can't believe I made such a terrible joke, either.