


Garrus said:

Which plasmid did they find, anyway? Looks like there was only one machine with them.

Bad news for anything that antagonizes them regardless.

Mastine said:

Possibly A!Otter was killing another anomaly wanting to be the one to hunt Serval. Then left because having grazed her, she's now A!Serval. Or it doesn't matter if Serval dies now because the flower will get her eventually anyway.

I take it as a "not my target" situation, A!Otter has no reason to attack Serval as she's not one of the Giant Otters and nothing more.

Garrus said:

I mean, when you get down to it, Friends and Ceruleans are anomalous. Just a partially understood anomaly.

But in this case, Raccoon is relatively more anomalous. An anomaly of an anomaly.

Or maybe she just has a really high luck stat.

Goldenevil5 said:

Isn't Bea's patner Manchamp? Cause it's the one that's goes into dyniamax. Like all the other leaders in the pictures. Its the one that goes giant.

Unless this is all Galaran Pokemon.

I suppose the artist wanted to draw a happy smug bird.

Blindga said:

It's like a fish-hippo thing, right? You could probably eat it if you knew how.

Basically "Could probably eat it with the right tools" defines just about any pokemon that isn't undead, magic, and/or permanently on fire.

Or made of metal or rocks, unless you're implying you find Klinklang to be an excellent source of dietary iron.

The Galar fossil Pokemon are composed of four possible parts, two heads (electric and water) and two backsides (dragon and ice) that can be mixed and matched to create four possible different Pokemon (Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish).
But this seems to be a combination of all four parts, producing a Pokemon that doesn't exist, so how to go about tagging this?

Okay but if we get Destroyer can we also upgrade her to Garm or Gaia?

Frawnkenstein said:

She appears to be wearing off-shoulder type of dress. What confuses you might be the scarf around her neck. Her right arm is simply blocked by her body.

Watch as people draw her without a right arm anyway just because it looks like it's missing.