


I agree the quality isn't the best. However, doujins don't often get rescanned so I think it's better to upload what's available, and hope for better scans in the future.

These are all actually stand-alone images posted on the artist's pixiv account, not a part of any releases.

I'm pretty sure my tagging isn't complete, so add them if you see them.

Shou's in the bottom left quarter in plain view.

Jeweled Pagoda is in the bottom right quarter, next to Merlin's head.

Tsuchinoko's in the top center, in between Satori and Maribel.

Can't find Nitori yet...

And I can't locate Parsee, I think it's her.

Because the author is not publishing any more pages online. He's making the available on hard print only. Every chapter has been available for purchase before (and as you can see, this is the 8th doujin).